18 - First Day of School

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I walked into the house to Frank knocking on the bathroom door.

"Hey, come on, let me see."

"No!" Mary yelled.

"Mary..." Frank sighed. "Open the door please..." Frank said. Mary opened the door, and she was standing in a red dress with a floral design. "You look beautiful." Frank said. Mary groaned but looked and saw me leaning against the hallway wall.

"Vee!" She yelled and ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Hey sweetie." I said kissing the top of her head. "You do look beautiful." I continued.

"I look like a Disney character." She said and I sighed. I looked up at Frank and gave him a small smile.

"You came." Frank said and I sighed.

"Told you I wouldn't miss her first day of school." I said and Frank just rolled his eyes.

"No, you just missed other things in her life when you left..."

"Can you two not fight! Please?!" Mary asked and I sighed looking down at her as she still clung to me.

"Of course, we're sorry. Have you had breakfast?" I asked as she released her hold from my waist and walked into the kitchen to pour herself a bowl of cereal. Frank and I just stood there. I looked at the floor.

"Thanks for coming." Frank said and I nodded.

"I wouldn't miss her first day." I said.

"Me either." Roberta said walking in, and I smiled at her as she did.

"Did you come for Mary or to be a mediator between us?" I asked.

"A little of both." Roberta said as we all walked to the kitchen. Frank went and poured himself, me and Roberta a cup of coffee and started making some toast.

"You get time off so we can talk once she leaves?" I asked and Frank nodded.

"First class isn't until noon." Frank said and I nodded. He handed me my coffee and I looked at Mary's hair falling in her face.

"Once you finish, I'm going to fix your hair." I said and she nodded.

We were all silent for a few minutes. It was always awkward being around Frank now since we split up 4 years ago. Frank and I made it a year together and things seemed to be going perfectly. That was until I started talking about the future and us moving forward together in our lives. Marriage, even some kids of our own. I didn't mean right that minute, but I had known Frank so long I thought it was time. When this was brought up Frank started pulling away from me. Coming home later and later from school every night. Summer was spent with him teaching summer classes just so he didn't have to be home around me. I had even gone back to sleeping in my own room and he never once said anything. I had enough when he didn't come home one night and stayed on his couch in his office at the college. I soon moved out and found my own place and would go and visit Mary and spend weekends with her at my place since I didn't want to lose all contact with her.

"I'm done." Mary said pulling me from my train of thought and I smiled.

"Let's go fix your hair." I said as we walked towards the bathroom.


I watched Vee and Mary walk out of the kitchen and sighed cleaning up the mess from Mary's breakfast.

"So, you gotten any smarter yet?" Roberta asked.

"What?" I asked as I rinsed out the bowl and my plate that had toast.

"You're going to just work out this schedule with Vee and keep going with this stupid shared custody thing?" Roberta asked.

"What do you want me to do Roberta? Tell her I was stupid, and I should have fought for her to stay?" I asked and Roberta nodded.

"That's exactly what I mean Frank! You know you didn't want her to go." Roberta said.

"I didn't think she would leave. Was I pulling away? Sure, of course I was but I didn't know where we were." I explained.

"Then you should have talked to her instead of pulling away and not coming home. I mean Frank, she was sleeping back in her room a month before she left and you never noticed! Did you even care?" Roberta asked me and I sighed hanging my head.

"Of course, I did." I said.

"So, what are you going to do to fix this? I know you both aren't seeing anyone and haven't since you broke up. You need each other. Not even just for Mary's sake but for both of your sakes." Roberta said. I just stood there looking out the back kitchen window letting my mind wonder back to the first date I had with Vee in the backyard. We were happy that night. I ruined that...I knew the exact moment I did, the next day when I asked to not be interrupted. That was the first crack...I promised her we would start being together and the first day I pulled away.

***VEE POV***

Mary and I reached the bathroom, and I brushed out her hair and then pulled a small burette from my pocket and she looked at it.

"That's pretty." She said and I smiled.

"It was your moms. She gave it to me to borrow and then never too it back. I thought you would like to have a little bit of her with you today." I said and she smiled as I clipped her hair back and then she hugged me.

"I love you, Vee." Mary said.

"I love you too kiddo." I said and she pulled out of our hug. She looked at me.

"I miss you."

"I see you every weekend." I said with a small smile.

"That's not the same as you being here." Mary said and I sighed.

"I can't Mary, I'm sorry." I said and she sighed.

"Can't you and Frank work it out?" Mary asked.

"We're going to work out something about a better schedule after you go to school, but I won't be moving back in." I said and she sighed. I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I sighed and then looked at the time. "We need to get you finished, school bus will be here any minute." I said as we walked out of the bathroom. "Go get your bookbag from your room." I said and she rushed to her room. I walked into the living room to see Frank and Roberta sitting around talking.

"She okay?" Frank asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I just gave her that burette of Diane's that she gave me. I figured she could use a little bit of Diane today." I said and Frank nodded. Mary came rushing out and Frank smiled.

"We should head outside and wait for the bus." Frank said and I nodded. Mary rushed over to hug Roberta.

"Have a good day kiddo." Roberta said. We all headed outside. Roberta got in her car and headed out as Frank, and I walked with Mary to the bus stop. We all stood there waiting.

"Who will be picking me up?" Mary asked and Frank looked at me.

"I will be taking a late lunch and coming to get you. You get to hang out with me at the florist shop until Frank can come and pick you up." I said and she smiled.

"Yes! The flowers!" She said and I smiled. I looked at Frank.

"Should I feed her dinner?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'll get it." Frank said.

"Can we have dinner together? Maybe pizza?" Mary asked and I looked at Frank and he shrugged.

"Would you like to just bring her home around 6 and I will bring pizza home?" Frank asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, sounds good." I said and he half nodded, and Mary smiled. Then the bus pulled up. The door opened. Mary hugged Frank and then hugged me.

"I love you sweetie and have a good day." I said as we released. She went to get on the bus.

"I love you Vee, I love you Frank." Mary said. She got on the bus, and it drove away. We then sighed and then looked at each other.

"Ready to go work on the schedule?" Frank said and I half nodded as we walked into the house.

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