5 - The Millennium Problem

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I was leaving work one afternoon and knew I had a date to get ready for but I wanted to check on Diane, she had been radio silent lately. I tried calling her as I left work and she didn't answer the phone. I tried a couple times and got no answer. I thought then maybe Frank had the day off and took her out so I called him and he answered his phone right away.

"Hey Vienna." Frank said and I smiled.

"Hey, you at work?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?" Frank asked.

"Well I was calling Diane to check on her but she isn't answering the phone." I said and he groaned.

"Fuck...go to the house. I'll meet you there." Frank said and hung up. I got concerned that something had happened so I sped to the house. By the time I arrived Frank was pulling in as well.

"What the fuck is going on Frank?!" I asked as we rushed to the front door.

"My mother got back to Diane about the damn problem and she has been working on it again. I try to take it away from her and she still works on it going into a trance when she does." Frank said unlocking the door.

"Diane?!" Frank yelled and we heard her grunt in response. We rushed to her bedroom and sighed. Diane was sitting there holding Mary looking at the papers.

"Diane..." I said walking in the room taking a sleeping Mary from her and sitting in the bed. Diane looked up at Frank.

"I did it..." she said stunned.

"What?" Frank asked crouching down to her.

"The millennium problem...I figured it out." Diane said. Frank grabbed the papers. He wasn't sure as to what he was reading but he could see it all worked out.

"Diane..." Frank said in shock. I sat in shock knowing the problem she was working on was one of the hardest problems in the world.

"Diane, why don't you come and get into bed and sleep. I got Mary." I said and she nodded. I got up from the bed and Frank helped get her into bed. Frank took all the papers with the work on them, Diane was asleep before we left the room. Frank and I walked into the living room and I laid Mary on her blanket on the floor in the living room.

"Did she really do it?" I asked Frank and he sighed.

"I don't know for sure but if anyone could do it, it would be Diane." Frank said. I nodded and looked at Frank.

"You can't tell Evelyn." I said. He looked at me oddly.

"Why?! Evelyn wanted her to do this problem." Frank said and I huffed a laugh.

"And it's Evelyn's fault that we found her sitting Indian style on the floor holding her daughter looking at the damn problem!" I yelled a little pissed off.

"So what do we do?!" Frank asked.

"Let Diane announce on her own that she discovered the answer." I said. Frank started pacing but was shaking his head.

"Do you know the kind of social stress that would put on Diane?!" Frank asked annoyed.

"One of us could go with her!" I said.

"I cant just leave teaching for years while it takes time to prove her theory." Frank said.

"I can leave the daycare. She and I could take Mary and I could watch Mary then she wont be away from her mother either. It could all be worked out." I said and Frank groaned.

"Vienna, come on. Stop talking nonsense." Frank said.

"Nonsense Frank?! You want to call Evelyn and tell her Diane figured it out, you go right ahead but I cant be around anymore if Evelyn is around." I said and he groaned.

"You would abandon Diane, abandon Mary because of my mother?" Frank asked. I just crossed my arms and looked at Frank and he sighed. "Alright fine, I get your point. Please don't do this. Let me think about it." Frank said and I sighed. I looked back at Mary lying on the floor and I gave a small smile at the noises she was making. I looked back at Frank.

"You want a better life for that little girl Frank you will not call your mother." I said and he sighed.

"Don't use Mary against me." Frank said.

"Is it working?" I asked.

"Don't do it Vee..." Frank said. I walked over and picked Mary up and held her up facing Frank.

"Please Uncle Frank don't call the big bad mean grandma and make her come here...she will eat me, she eats babies." I said in a high-pitched voice going behind Mary like it was her talking. She started giggling. I put her down so I could look at Frank and he was trying not to laugh.

"See even Mary is begging you, how can you put her in danger?" I asked and Frank laughed. He took Mary from me and kissed her cheek.

"Eats babies Vee? What is wrong in your sick mind?" Frank asked and I shrugged.

"You know she probably does." I said and Frank sighed.

"Listen, I will really think about telling my mother okay?" Frank said and I nodded.

"Thank you. Please tell me what you decide before you go forward with whatever choice please." I said and Frank nodded. I smiled. "Okay, I have to go." I said and kissed Mary's cheek.

"Don't run out. Stay for dinner. I was going to order in some Chinese." Frank said and I sighed.

"I would love to stay but I have a date." I said and Frank looked at me and half nodded.

"Who is this guy?" Frank asked and I sighed.

"Actually I think you know him...he is professor at the college." I said and Frank looked at me oddly.

"Who?" Frank asked.

"Scott Hopkins." I said and Frank just half nodded.

"Yeah, nice guy." Frank said and I smiled at him.

"Well I need to go get ready. Can you call me later and let me know how Diane is?" I asked and Frank nodded.

"Sure thing." Frank said. I kissed his cheek and headed out of the house.


I watched Vienna leave and I sighed looking at Mary. I sat on the couch with her and pulled out my cellphone. I pulled up a text message and sighed looking at Mary. She looked at me like she was looking into my soul.

"Don't look at me like that. I know what I'm doing." I said. I sent a text message.

FRANK: Hey Scott, I heard you were going out with a friend of mine tonight, Vienna...

SCOTT: Yeah, getting ready for it now.

FRANK: Just beware of her okay.

SCOTT: Meaning?

FRANK: She uses men. Chew them up and spits them out. Real player.

SCOTT: Wow didn't get that vibe but thanks.

FRANK: Don't tell her I told you, just giving you some food for thought.

SCOTT: No problem. Thanks for the info.

FRANK: No problem.

I put my phone away and Mary was looking at me still.

"I know what I'm doing...." I said. Truth being...I really didn't know I just didn't want her with someone right now.

Two Is Better Than One ⭐Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora