12 - Hospital Stay

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I was sitting beside her hospital bed after 3 days of her not waking up. I had taken a few days off work and I was just waiting for her to wake up. Mary had also been with me at the hospital. I didn't want to leave her with the neighbor, I needed her. Mary was sleeping in the playpen the nurses brought in for her as I sat next to Vee and held her hand.

"Come on Vee, I cant do this alone." I said and looked at Mary sleeping. "She needs both of us." I said. I then bowed my head, not one to pray much but this was time, just not to god. "Diane, I know you might like the idea of Vee coming to join you so you so you aren't alone but I need her here and you have dad with you. Tell her to come home please. Not only do I need her but Mary needs her. You know I can't do it alone." I whispered. I lifted my head to see Evelyn standing in the doorway.

"She still isn't awake?" Evelyn asked and I sighed.

"No, she isn't. She is in a coma. They have done everything the can. She had severe internal bleeding and a ruptured spleen, amongst many other problems." I said and Evelyn looked at saw Mary in the playpen sleeping.

"You think this is the best place for a child?" Evelyn asked annoyed.

"I don't really care honestly. She is everything to Vee and I. When Vee wakes up, she will want to see Mary." I said and Evelyn groaned.

"Frank, let me take her. Let her just stay with me while all of this gets worked out." Evelyn said and I went over to the playpen and picked up a sleeping Mary.

"I know you think you are doing the right thing, but I hate to tell you, it's not. You may think the hospital isn't the place for a child, but I really don't care." I said.

"And work?" Evelyn asked.

"I took an extended leave. The school was understandable." I said.

"Why does this girl matter so much to you Frank? You aren't even dating her. She is nothing to you." Evelyn said.

"She is everything to me, just like Mary is. Mary is everything to Vee and I know Vee and I don't always see eye to eye, but we are the best thing together for Mary." I said. Evelyn groaned and just looked at Vee laying in the bed.

"And if this girl doesn't wake up? What then?" Evelyn asked.

"Then it just someone else in my life that I love that left me." I said, I knew exactly what I said and I wasn't taking it back.

"Love Frank? Love, really? You barely know her." Evelyn said.

"I know her a lot better than you like to think."

"Does she love you back?" Evelyn asked and I just shrugged as Mary started to whimper in my arms with her head on my shoulder.

"We haven't had a chance to talk about what we feel. I plan on it once we get everything worked out." I said and Evelyn sighed then stood up.

"Take Mary home tonight, Frank, get a good night sleep you and her deserve." Evelyn said and walked out.

I didn't know who called my mother or how she even found out. I was guessing the news had released Vee's name which slightly pissed me off if that was true because if that was the truth Will hadn't shown up and I didn't have his number to call since Vee's phone was ruined in the accident.

A few hours later I put Mary in her play pen but turned cartoons on the tv so Mary had something to watch. I was on my laptop reading over some papers my teaching assistant sent me. I was grading and updating my grade book when I heard a soft knock on the hospital room door and I looked to see Will walk in.

"Frank..." Will said.

"Will, nice of you to finally show up." I said and went back to working.

"How is she?" Will asked.

"Still in a coma, ruptured spleen now removed and a few broke bones." I explained. Will just looked at Vee laying in the bed and sighed.

"Frank..." Will said, he shook his head.

"I don't know what to do Frank...I mean I know I should have been here sooner but I was really thinking about life with Vee. She is great and amazing but she has Mary and you in her life constantly and I don't think I can compete with that." Will said and I groaned.

"So you are breaking up with her through me while she is in a coma. You need to not be a pussy and when she wakes up do it yourself." I said.

"You can make it better Frank, trust me. I know she loves you and Mary. Maybe don't wait forever to tell her how you really feel Frank." Will said, walked over and gently squeezed Vee's one hand and left. I watched him walk out and I prayed now when Vee did wake up she had no memory of Will.

Would she even remember me or Mary?

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I fluttered my eyes open and looked around realizing the pain I was in. I looked and saw Frank sleeping on the too small couch in the room and then Mary awake in her playpen, standing up looked at me and I smiled. She smiled seeing me awake and the nurse walked in.

"Good morning. It's good to see you finally awake." The nurse said and I smiled.

"How long was I out?" I asked hoarsely.

"About a week. We kept you monitored and everything. Frank hasn't left you side except to get new clothes. He and Mary have been staying here." The nurse said and I sighed seeing Frank sleeping.

"I don't know if I'm allowed but can you hand me Mary please. I need her." I said and the nurse nodded. She grabbed Mary as I easily sat up a little in bed and took Mary from the nurse as she adjusted the back of my bed so I could sit up.

"Any pain?" The nurse asked and I shook my head as I kissed Mary's head.

"No, I'm good now." I said cuddling Mary and she giggled. The nurse walked out. I tickled Mary a little more and she just laughed. I saw Frank wake up and look in the playpen for Mary.

"Women could get old waiting for you to wake up." I said and Frank looked at me and I smiled. "Hey Adler." I said and he stood up rushing over to me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"How do you feel?" Frank asked placing a hand on my cheek. I leaned into his touch.

"Better now that I have you two back in my life." I said and Frank smiled.

"So does this mean when they release you...?" Frank trailed off.

"When I'm released, I'm coming home...where I belong." I said and Frank said and then Mary clapped and I laughed then winced in pain.

"We need to really talk about getting a sitter and us dating though." I said and Frank groaned.

"Well, my date from the other night didn't work and Will-..." Frank trailed off.

"Will broke up with me while I was in a coma didn't he? I mean I wouldn't put it past the man." I said, Frank nodded and I just huffed a laugh.

"Fine he can go. I have Mary, that's all I need." I said and Frank nodded.

"And we have you. I don't know what I would have done if-..." Frank trailed off. I placed my hand over his that was still on my cheek.

"And you never have to again. I'm here Frank." I said and he smiled down at me. He leaned in and kissed my forehead again.

"Now let's just get you better and get you home." Frank said and I nodded.

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