3 - A Weird Situation

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Diane had fully moved in with Frank since he was concerned about her in her apartment. He knew I was next door but I was working at a child's day care now and my hours were kind of all over the place since it was 24-hour childcare facility. I got the weekend off and since I was throwing Diane a small little baby shower. I had some of our mutual friends show up to Franks and we were just ordering in pizza and having some gifts, I promised no crazy games. I was setting up some streamers when Frank came in from teaching a Saturday class.

"Woah! Forgot baby shower day." Frank said and I laughed.

"And no men allowed so you are banished to your room Adler." I said and he laughed.

"Wow, banished to my own room, in my own house by someone who isn't even my family...not sure how I feel about the Vee." Frank said and I smiled at him. I went to walk down the ladder and missed a step. I started to fall until I felt arms circle around my waist and I looked to see Frank. Our faces were really close as my eyes trailed down to his lips as I instinctively licked mine.

"Don't do that Vee." Frank said. I didn't say anything as he started to move in closer to my face.

"Vee, can you come help me pick an outfit?!" Diane yelled from the bedroom. Frank released me as I got fully off the ladder.

"Thanks Frank." I said and quickly walked away.

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After the shower Diane was pretty tired so she headed back to bed. I was cleaning everything up when Frank came walking out of his bedroom.

"Hey, you don't have to clean up, I could have gotten it." Frank said and when I looked at him he was looking at the floor and I just shook my head with a sigh.

"It's okay. I made the mess, I clean up after my messes. Thank you for letting us use the house." I said and Frank sighed.

"Vee, about earlier..." Frank said and I held up my hand to stop him.

"It's fine Frank. A moment...I don't want to say moment of weakness because that sounds shitty but I mean it was like a scene from almost every romcom I've seen." I said and Frank nodded as we both gave a small laugh.

"Exactly. Maybe we can chalk it up the baby shower...emotions running high and all." Frank said and I nodded.

"Sounds good to me." I said as my cellphone went off in my back pocket. I pulled it out and smiled.

"Good news?" Frank asked as he came in and helped me clean.

"Oh uh, yeah I guess. I have a date tonight and it was just the guy verifying we were still going out and how excited he is." I said and Frank just half nodded.

"I didn't know you were seeing anyone." Frank said and I sighed.

"I wasn't planning on it. Diane told me not to hole myself up and worry only about her and get out there." I said.

"Who is this guy?" Frank asked.

"A single divorced dad actually from the day care center. He has been shamelessly flirting for a few weeks and when he asked me out for coffee the other day I went and had a good time." I said.

"Is that something you would really want? To come into a pre-made family?" Frank asked and I shrugged.

"I mean, I don't mind it honestly. It's not that big of a deal to me." I said taking trash into the kitchen to throw away. Frank followed.

"Well I'm happy you are getting back out there. Looks like it will just be me and Diane raising her kid then." Frank said.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well you dating and coming into a pre-made family, you wont have time for Diane or the baby." Frank said and I groaned.

"I never said that Frank. This guy knows about the situation with Diane, I told him she comes first." I said and Frank sighed. I just groaned and walked past him to the hallway towards the bedrooms. I knocked on Diane's door and opened it. I thought I would find her sleeping but she was sitting on the floor with papers scattered all around her.

"Diane, what the hell?" I asked pissed off and Frank came rushing in and groaned.

"I thought you gave up on this." Frank said and I looked at him. I knew then what it was.

"Diane! You left your mothers rule months ago! You don't have to work on this millennium problem anymore." I said and she snapped her head up and looked at me.

"I almost have it figured out!" Diane argued.

"Diane please, get into bed and rest. You need rest." I said and she shook her head. I looked back at Frank for help. He walked in the room and gathered up the papers.

"FRANK!" Diane yelled trying to get them from her.

"Take these and get out of here. You'll be late for your date." Frank said shoving the papers at me and I sighed leaving the room and the house all together. I knew Frank and I could be harsh with Diane but she has been worried about the millennium too damn much and not taking care of herself.

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I knocked on Frank's front door and just waited for him to answer. Once he opened the door he saw me standing there.

"Vee?" Frank asked and I walked to him and placed my forehead on his chest.

"Why are all mean assholes?" I asked and he chuckled and wrapped me in a hug.

"I don't think it's all men." Frank said and I sighed.

"Well maybe not you since you think you're mister perfect...but most men." I said.

"What happened on the date Vee?" Frank said and we walked in the house and sat on the couch.

"He isn't as divorced from his wife as he said he is." I said and Frank just looked at me.

"How divorced is he?"

"He's not. He said he was because it seemed like an easy way to ease me into the throuple him and his wife want to have." I said and Frank laughed hysterically, I just glared as him but then I started laughing too.

"Well what answer did you give them?" Frank asked through his laughter and I punched him in his arm.

"Shut up asshole." I said and he smiled at me. Once our laughter died down I sighed.

"How mad is Diane at us?" I asked.

"I'm not. I get why you did what you did." Diane said coming in from the hallway where her room was.

"Didn't meant wake you." I said as she walked in the living room and put her head on Franks shoulder when she sat on the other side of him.

"You didn't. Baby is playing hell with my bladder." Diane said and we all gave a small laugh.

"Well since we are all here and awake...movie time?" Frank asked and I nodded and smiled as Diane nodded too. Frank turned on a movie and I smiled knowing I was where I needed to be.

I then laughed to myself knowing I was kind of in my own weird throuple. I didn't need another one or anything more confusing.

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