4 - Mary Eileen Adler

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I was leaving work one morning when my cellphone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered through my yawn since I worked all night.

"Vienna..." I heard her moan into the phone.

"Diane....are you okay?!" I panicked.

"I think I'm in labor..." She said and I got in my car super-fast.

"Okay I'm leaving work now. I'm coming to get you." I said.

"Hurry, my water just broke." Diane said and I hung up with her. I dialed Frank's number knowing he had an early class. He didn't answer so I called his teaching assistant who I knew would always answer.

"This is Joel." He said answering his phone.

"Joel, it's Vienna. I know Frank is in class but I'm on the way to get Diane, her water broke and she is in labor." I said.

"Okay I'll go run and tell him now." Joel said and I hung up. I rushed to Frank's to find Diane waiting on the porch with her go bag. I helped her to the car and rushed to the hospital.

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I was sitting in the waiting room waiting to hear any news. Frank had arrived at the hospital and Diane made it clear she wanted Frank in with her. I wasn't hurt at all. My job was to wrangle Evelyn if she showed up. I was bouncing my foot getting more nervous by the minute. After a few hours of waiting Frank came walking out of the delivery room door and smiled at me. He walked over and took my hands.

"It's a girl." Frank said.

"A girl?!" I squealed and he nodded. I removed my hands from his and then threw my arms around his neck and hugged him which he accepted.

"She's gorgeous and perfect." Frank said and I smiled.

"How's Diane?" I asked.

"Perfect, she was a champ. I have a newfound amazement for what you women go through." Frank said and I laughed.

"As you should." I said with a smile.

"You want to come and see her?" Frank asked and I nodded. He took my hand and lead me to Diane's room and we saw her holding the baby.

"There she is! Your Auntie Vienna." Diane said and I smiled as I walked over to her. I kissed Diane's cheek, then she handed me the baby.

"Meet Mary Eileen Adler." Diane said and I held her.

"Hi Mary." I said and she opened her eyes to look at me. "You are so precious." I said and started walking around the room with her. I looked over to Diane and she was asleep and I looked at Frank. He walked over to me and smiled. He kissed Mary's forehead.

"She is perfect." I said verifying what Frank had told me.

"She is." Frank said.

"You and Diane going to be able to handle this okay?" I asked and Frank nodded.

"How hard can a baby be?" Frank asked and I laughed as quietly as I could.

"You'll be eating those words soon. If you two ever need me, I'm just a phone call and 10-minute drive away." I said and Frank nodded.

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It was 2 weeks later and I was arriving at Frank's house at 3am in my pajamas and half asleep. I knocked on the door but I could hear why I was there from the outside of the door. Frank opened the door and I tried not to laugh in his face at how tired he looked.

"You called?" I asked him and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the house.

"She wont stop crying..." Frank said and I went into Diane's room where Mary was staying for the time being. I saw Diane holding her, rocking her and crying herself. She saw me and sighed.

"She wont stop crying Vienna, I don't know what to do, I don't know what I'm doing wrong." Diane sobbed out, I sighed and walked over to her. I took Mary from her. It wasn't a secret that this kid had lungs.

"Diane get in bed, get some sleep. I'm here to watch her. I don't have work tomorrow so I'm okay." I said. Frank saw me and yawned.

"You too, get to bed." I said and they both looked at me wary.

"I take care of children for a living. Let me deal with Mary tonight and you guys get some sleep." I said. I walked into the living room, laid on the couch, placed Mary on my chest laying her on her stomach. I started humming softly to her, she quickly quieted down and stopped crying. I looked up and saw Frank leaning on the frame from the hallway to the living room.

"How did you do that?" Frank asked and I smiled at him.

"I'm not exactly sure, I didn't even know if this would work." I said and Frank chuckled. He walked over to the couch, lifted my legs and sat down putting my legs in his lap.

"Frank, go to sleep." I said and he sighed and put a pillow behind his head from the couch.

"I am. Out here with you and Mary." Frank said and I shook my head.

"No, in your bed Adler. Come on I already have Mary to take care of I don't need baby Frank too." I said and he looked at me and smiled.

"Please, let me just stay." Frank said and I sighed.

"Okay but you snore I kick you." I said and he laughed.

"Seems fair." Frank said and soon he was fast asleep. I smiled easily sitting up with Mary. She was fast asleep as well so I cradled her to my chest.

"Look at Uncle Frank...you turned him into a big softy Miss Mary." I said and smiled to myself. I went to get up from the couch and I gently kissed Frank's cheek. I got up and quietly walked into Diane's room and grabbed the bassinet then when to sleep in Frank's bed. He wasn't using it so I figured I would. I laid Mary in the bassinet and then I laid down. As I laid in Frank's bed I realized how much it smelled like his cologne and his scent alone. I sighed and just got the smell out of my mind and quickly drifted off to sleep.

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