7 - Lives Are Changed

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I was sitting with Mary in the front row next to Frank as we were looking at Diane laying in a casket. It was a small viewing before the funeral actually started. Frank was sitting between me and Evelyn since he knew Evelyn and I didn't get along so he was taking one for the team.

"This is your fault you know." I heard Evelyn say and Frank groaned.

"Mom..." He said.

"What?" I asked Evelyn.

"You! This is all your fault! You told her to have that baby, you forced it upon her! You talked her into a life without advice or guidance. This is all your fault my daughter is laying in that casket. You want to ruin your life go ahead but you ruined Diane's to where she took her own life!" Evelyn yelled causing people to look at me and Mary to start crying. Evelyn walked away and I just dropped my head and started crying.

"Hey, no, don't let Evelyn Adler reduce you to tears, you didn't do this." Frank said and I sighed.

"Can we bury Evelyn with Diane...two birds with one stone." I said and Frank huffed a laugh as he took his hand and wiped away some of my tears.

"You would really put my sister through that hell for all eternity?" Frank asked and I huffed a laughed and shook my head.

"No, I cant do that to her too." I said and Frank sighed.

"You didn't do this Vee." Frank said and I shook my head.

"Yeah I did. She wanted me to come over, she wanted me to be there. If I had just blown off Brendan and gone to be with her she wouldn't have done it. She felt alone Frank..." I said and he groaned.

"No, don't do this to yourself...please. Diane was messed up, she had a lot wrong and nothing you or I did was going to stop her. She would have found time to do this, she was set on it. Don't let what Evelyn said get to you, you did not do this, I did not do this...Diane did this." Frank said and I cried harder as he pulled me over to him as he held me as I held Mary and we cried.


We were sitting at Frank's house after the funeral and after the reception.

"You sure you got this? Mary and everything?" I asked and Frank nodded.

"Yeah, I got it. You will still be around to help right?" Frank asked and I nodded.

"Yeah of course. Also, I got her a spot at the day care so bring her in when you start back at work." I said and Frank nodded.

"What are we going to do Vee? I don't know what to do anymore...Diane, Mary and you were my life recently and now part of me is missing." Frank said. I sighed and nodded.

"I know what you mean but all we can do is be here for Mary and take care of her like Diane would have wanted us to." I said and Frank nodded.

We looked at Mary as she slept in her playpen in the living room.

"Frank...that little girl is our everything now." I said and he nodded. I placed my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"We're parents." I said and he chuckled

"Well that seems like a horrible plan. You and me co-parenting..." Frank said and I shook my head.

"What's her other option....Evelyn?" I asked and Frank laughed.

"Okay yeah you and I are the best options." Frank said and I laughed. I looked at the time.

"Listen, I need to head home. I have dinners for you in the fridge that everyone brought you and there are bottles and food for her all made up as well. You sure you got this?" I asked and he nodded.

"I got it. I took care of her a lot before Diane...was gone...so I'll be okay." Frank said and I nodded. I got up, walked over to Mary, leaned down and kissed her head.

"I love you sweet girl. I'll be back soon." I whispered to her and headed to the door and Frank followed me. I pulled him into a hug and he hugged me back. We just held on to each other.

"I love you Frank. I'm here day or night. Call me and I'm here." I said and he nodded. He kissed my cheek.

"I love you too Vee." Frank said. I grabbed my things and headed out the door. I sat in my car outside Franks house for the longest time. The curtains in the living room where open and I saw Frank pick Mary up, hold her and he started crying. I opened my car door about to go back into the house but I couldn't, I needed to let Frank do some of this on his own and not have the friend and neighbor of his sister hovering over him, questioning his every move. We both needed to grieve.


It had been 2 weeks since Diane died and things were not getting any easier. I had distanced myself from Frank. When he would bring Mary into the daycare I would make myself scarce. I wasn't sure why I was but he wasn't making an effort to see me either. A few text messages and calls here and there but nothing too big. I got home one night to a voicemail from Brendan. I sat on my couch and played it.

"Hey Vee, It Brendan. I know life has thrown you a curveball lately and I don't want to add to the stress I know you could already be dealing with. I think we should hold off on dating for a while until life can get back in line for you. See ya around." Brendan said and I groaned.

I knew I had been ignoring him and his calls over the past couple of days but things were hard right now and I was figuring out my own life. I just decided to stay in, I ordered some pizza and watched a movie on tv.

***2 AM***

I woke up to someone knocking on my door and a baby crying. I rushed to my door and opened it up to see an exhausted-looking Frank and a crying Mary.

"Mary, sweetie..." I said taking her from Frank and she started to calm down.

"She only calms when she hears your voice. I can't do this without you around Vee." Frank said as I moved aside so he could come inside the apartment.

"Frank..." I said and he shook his head.

"I have to play a video of you on Diane's computer I found for her every night before she calms down. Well it's not working anymore. This is how it is all night and I need sleep...I need you Vee." Frank said and I sighed

"I thought I wouldn't be needed anymore so I backed off..." I trailed off.

"Well come back...please." Frank said and I gave a small smile as Mary cuddled her face into my neck and started to fall asleep.

"Frank, I will make more stops over...I promise." I said.

"Vee, I have a proposition for you..." Frank trailed off.

"Which is what? I'm not taking Mary full time." I said and he shook his head.

"No, move in with me." Frank said.

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