9 - Dating is Hard

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Since Frank and I had our conversation "normal life" conversation since I moved in I had set up a date with someone I met while grocery shopping. I walked into the house excited.

"Okay no one gets that excited shopping, what made you happy?" Frank asked helping unpack everything while Mary slept in her playpen.

"I got a date..." I said and Frank looked at me semi shocked.

"A date..." Frank said.

"Yeah, guy asked for my help on some brands of cereal and we just got talking." I said and Frank huffed a laugh.

"What?" I asked.

"Well you go grocery shopping and you met this guy and he says, "Hey cutie what cereal is better for digestion issues Raisin Bran or Special K?" Come on Vienna, get real." Frank said and I just looked at him putting my hands on my hips.

"No Frank it was a little different than that. He was looking at the box of Captain Crunch." I said.

"Great so you have a date with a 5-year-old. Awesome. Should I call the police now or do you want to see how it plays out?" Frank asked.

"Why are you being such a dick?" I asked.

"Excuse me?!" Frank asked.

"You. Are. Being. A. Dick. Don't know how much simpler I can make it. We said we could both date, that living together and Mary wasn't going to change our lives too much. Did you not mean it?" I asked. Frank sighed.

"Okay, listen, I'm sorry, this is new for me." Frank said.

"And it's normal for me? Frank you asked me to move in here to help you. I know Diane's death hasn't been easy, trust me I know but we have to try and move on with our lives. Meaning we date, we find someone who accepts this living arrangement and Mary. She come's first." I said and Frank nodded.

"Okay, I get it." Frank said as Mary started crying from the living room. I pulled something from a bag and tossed it at Frank.

"Here I bought you some cereal." I said and he started laughing when he saw it was Captain Crunch. I walked into Mary and smiled.

"Hey little miss, what's the problem. Were you stuck with grumpy Uncle Frank all morning?" I asked picking her up.

"Hey!" Frank said from the kitchen, and I smiled. I walked into the kitchen with Mary and Frank smiled.

"Hey, can you hand me a thing of that baby food?" I asked. I put her in her highchair and smiled.

"Okay kid, you hated the peas last night...let's try apples this morning." I said and Frank smiled.

I put some of the baby food on the spoon and fed it to Mary and she ate it.

"Okay looks like apples are a winner!" I said and Frank smiled. He watched Vienna with Mary smiling. They could make this work and be a little mixed and blended family.



It was the night of Vienna's date, and I had every plan of making myself scarce with Mary, but she called and said she was running late at work and needed me to answer the door for this guy and wait with him until she got there and could change. I was sitting with Mary on the couch when there was a knock at the door. I put Mary in her play pen and walked to the door. They guy looked slightly shocked.

"You Will?" I asked him and he nodded. I extended my hand.

"I'm Frank. Vienna asked me to be here when you got here. She is running late." I said and he shook my hand. "Come on in." I stepped to the side and let him walk in.

"So, you met while grocery shopping?" I asked and Will nodded.

"Yeah, she made fun of my cereal choice. Only person to really call me on it." Will said and I nodded.

"So, who exactly are you to Vienna, Frank?" Will asked. I pointed to Mary.

"I'm the live in babysitter. Vienna didn't tell you she has a daughter?" I asked getting up and picking up Mary.

"Uh...no." Will said.

"Oh yeah. I live her with her and Mary. When we were dating, I moved in but when we broke up I had nowhere to go, she had Mary eventually and we just kept it working. Live in babysitter which is nice since you are like her 4th date this week." I said.

"So, you live here...with her and...her kid?" Will said trying to understand.

"Yeah, so essentially if this works out and you all get married, I come with the house! Happy little family." I said, tickling Mary so she laughed.

"Are you the baby's father?" Will asked.

"Oh, heck no! Just the sitter and ex, like I said. I don't know if she even knows who the father is. Vienna has a past." I said.

"Really?" Will asked.

"Yeah, of course. I mean I probably shouldn't say anything since you are just going on your first date, but I feel like if I don't tell you, you will be shocked..." I said.

"Actually, a little insight to Vienna would be nice. I mean we just met at the store." Will said.

"Well okay, first of all...feet." I said.


"Yeah feet, she loves them. Major foot fetish...it's odd but kind of corky. She always says the bigger the better." I said.

"Oh...okay...well is there anything else?" Will asked.

"Well, she loves murder documentaries." I said.

"A lot of people do, that's not too weird." Will said.

"Yeah, but I mean obsessed, especially with John Wayne Gacy. I mean weird if you ask me but you know...to each their own, I guess. I mean it all goes together now that I really think about it." I said as Will started to shift uncomfortably.

"Why? What do you mean?" Will asked.

"She has a major thing for clowns...when I dated her, she used to make me wear the big red nose during sex...I mean it's easier to just go with it and not argue." I said. Will stood up from where he sat on the couch.

"Listen I think I have gotten in way over my head here and she yes was cute but not worth all the crazy. Listen just tell her...you know what I don't care what you tell her. I'm outta here." Will said and I followed him to the door. I grabbed Mary's arm as I held her and made her wave bye to Will as he rushed to his car.

"Say bye bye loser!" I said and Mary giggled. I laughed and shut the door.


I rushed home so I could get ready for the date knowing Will was probably already waiting and I was hoping Frank was being nice. I rushed in the door and Frank was watching something on tv while Mary played on the floor, I didn't see Will anywhere.

"Hey, did my date ever show?" I asked.

"Oh no, sorry I forgot he was coming. No one showed up." Frank said and I got confused and sat on the couch. I pulled out me cellphone and dialed his number. The phone didn't connect and gave me an automated message.

"The bastard blocked me!" I said pissed off tossing my phone on the coffee table.

"Maybe Captain Crunch wasn't the right guy for you after all." Frank said. I playfully shoved him and then put my head on his shoulder.

"Dating is hard." I said.

"All about finding the right match Vee, you'll find him...he might be right under your nose, you never know." Frank said and I sighed leaving my head on his shoulder.

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