25 - Two is Better Than One

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Frank and I were married a week before Christmas then used all of the Christmas break from school for him and Mary to go on a honeymoon. We were on the plane, Frank and I next to each other as Mary and Roberta sat in front of us. Yes, we took Roberta, I mean hell this was our honeymoon too, but we wanted a family vacation.

I was holding Franks hand as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You okay Misses Adler?" Frank asked and I smiled at him.

"Perfect Mister Adler." I said and he leaned down and kissed me. We heard 2 groans come from the seats in front of us.

"Could you two be anymore sickening?" Roberta asked and Mary laughed as we broke apart.

"We could be but we won't..." Frank said, and I laughed.

"Why did we bring them again?" I asked with a laugh.

Mary peeked her head around the seat she was sitting in to look at me and Frank.

"Because you love us..." She said in a cocky tone, and I just shook my head with a laugh.

"You think we do." I replied in the same tone, and she giggled.

"So where are we going?!" Mary asked and I smiled at her.

"It's a surprise." I said and she groaned.

"I don't like surprises."

"You liked it when we surprised you that Frank and I were engaged..." I trailed off.

"But I knew that was coming and what to expect." Mary said and I looked at her oddly.

"You knew Frank was going to propose eventually?" I asked.

"Yep, I helped him pick out the ring." Mary said and I smiled. I then knew I could get info from this kid.

"When did you help Frank get a ring?" I asked. Frank groaned beside me since he would never tell me when he got it.

"Right before I started school, and you came over for the first day. We went out a few days before that." Mary said and I looked at Frank.

"I had been gone and we weren't together for 4 years." I said and Frank sighed.

"I know but I still loved you and needed to be with you." Frank said and I smiled.

"Just took him a few more weeks to realize it and not be an idiot." Roberta said and we all laughed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. We are coming to our arrival at Orlando International Airport" The pilot said, and Mary snapped her head to look at us.

"ORLANDO! ARE WE GOING TO DISNEY?!" She shrieked as people started to look and we shushed her as we laughed.

"Get buckled in." Was all Frank said to her but winked. I shook my head and he smiled at me and we buckled ourselves in.

✨ ✨ ✨

We had been at Disney for a few days and Mary was having the time of her life as were Frank and I. Roberta too but she just hung out, didn't ride many rides and we just had a good time.

Frank and Mary were in line to ride the teacups and I bowed myself out of this ride, spinning wasn't my thing. Roberta and I were sitting on a bench, and she bumped into my shoulder.

"So how has it been being Misses Adler?" She asked and I smiled.

"Amazing. I know everyone knew, including Frank and I that we would be here but we just had to get there at the right time." I said and Roberta nodded.

"And stop being complete idiots." Roberta said and we laughed.

"Can you say idiots at Disney? Are insults allowed?" I asked and she nodded. I watched Frank and Mary go to get on the ride as Mary yelled for us and we waved.

"They're going to get so sick..." I said and Roberta laughed.

"What about you?" Roberta asked.

"Me? Sick? What?" I asked confused.

"Any morning sickness?" Roberta asked waggling her eyebrows.

"No, not yet. We aren't actively trying yet. We are going to wait until summer vacation to start trying. We want to be carefree." I said and Roberta smiled.

"Well, I can't wait for more baby Adler's to be running around." Roberta said and I smiled looking at Frank and Mary.

"Me either."

✨ ✨ ✨

After the fireworks Roberta took Mary to their hotel room while Frank and I had a late dinner all to ourselves in the hotel restaurant. Frank reached for my hand across the table and I placed my left hand in his as he ran his thumb over my knuckles and smiled.

"Did you really always know we would be here?" I asked Frank and he sighed.

"When I first met you...no." Frank said, and we both laughed. "I think I knew it would always be us the time I caught you when you almost fell off the stepstool at the baby shower." Frank said.

"Such a lair." I said and he shook his head.

"No seriously. When I looked at you in the eyes making sure you were okay I saw everything with you. Maybe not to the extent we had but I saw us together in the end Vienna. This was always meant to be me and you." Frank said and I smiled.

We were silent for a minute and then I sighed.

"Frank...I had kind of forgot about this until the other day and I was wondering something." I said and he looked at me confused.


"What did you do with Diane's work on the Millennium Problem?" I asked and Frank groaned. "I was just wondering because you haven't talked about it since she died." I added.

"Well...I destroyed it."

"Destroyed it?"

"Yeah...I shredded it and burned some in the fireplace. I wasn't going to keep it in my house or in our lives. It took Diane from us, from Mary, I wasn't keeping it. Let someone else figure that shit out. We know she did it and that's good enough for me. I won't be letting anyone especially Evelyn glorify her death because of this problem." Frank explained and I just shook my head in shock.

"I'm shocked to say the least, but I get it. I'm happy you did. You know what else would have happened if that came out. People would have wondered if Mary was also a genius and I wasn't putting that on her." I said and Frank nodded.

We were silent for a minute. I finally chuckled.

"What?" Frank asked slightly concerned.

"Well...just thinking of our life again. I mean everything we went through. Us trying to date other people and you ruining all my chances with guys by telling them the most ridiculous lies. If me dating was a problem and you wanted to be with me, why not just tell me?" I asked and he shrugged.

"I didn't think you would go for me but by the time Mary turned one I knew our life together was a given and us being together was the only logical choice. You were all I wanted. You were all I needed to survive. Me you and Mary." Frank said and I smiled.

"And Roberta." I said and he laughed.

"Yes, and Roberta, she had been a godsend." Frank said and I nodded.

Frank sighed and then smiled at me.

"Remember when I thought I could watch Mary on my own and didn't need the help?" Frank asked and I laughed remembering him showing up on my doorstep with a crying Mary.

"I do, you were kind of crazy." I said and he nodded.

"I can't live without you now Vienna. We have the rest of our lives to figure out everything else but the one thing I do know is that two is better than one." Frank said. He leaned across the table and passionately kissed me, giving me the life and love I had always wanted. 

✨✨ THE END ✨✨

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