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Overlord Gula, Diablo

I logged on to Dendro after getting some rest. The place I appeared at was the capital's fountain. I'd returned here from Quartierlatin yesterday and set this as my login point.

"You're back, fairly quickly master." Uriel said.

That was the same as usual, but there was something that wasn't.

"Ah. It's a Demon..."

"...I'm scared," I heard someone say.

People around me were reacting differently than they had before I'd gone to Quartierlatin. The reactions from children were especially strong. 

It was like this before I logged out, but... "Scary?" 

That was a bit harsh...

"It is probably because of the video floating around on 'the net'." Uriel said.

I was already relatively well-known due to an incident at Gideon, but the video with the Hell General had made me more famous... or infamous... than ever. 

The most striking change was the amount of fear I seemed to cause. That, too, was because of what was in the video.

First of all, the video came in two versions — the complete version and the scene-by-scene version. 

Among the two videos, the most viewed scene was the one where Logan got the death penalty, followed by me and Gigaknight's battle. 

Honestly, it was understandable why those the one between me and Logan got the most views.

The scene relevant to the current issue, however, was the one scene in third place — the one where I broke through the devil army and charged Logan. 

It had been edited to showed me biting a devil and running with blood dripping from my mouth.

...I saw it myself, and the angle was just so perfect. It made me feel like I was watching a horror movie. 

The voices were in French, too, for some reason, which only made it creepier. Since then, I passed by some Masters in Quartierlatin who went

"EEK!" and jumped away from me in shock, while child Masters occasionally cried stuff like "He's gonna eat meee!" and actually ran away ... The idea that I was that scary kinda got me down.

"...Your appearance doesn't help, either." Uriel also mentioned adding salt to my wound.

Appearance, huh...?

Did the video get tagged with "#DeathKnight" because I was dressed in black?

Well, you know what they say: 'everyone gets fifteen minutes of fame.' They'll get bored and forget about it eventually. I thought to myself.

Though, I didn't know who was getting the "fifteen minutes" here.

"...You think that isn't enough time for you to get mixed up in something else? If those 'fifteen minutes' keep getting refreshed, they'll never end, will they?" Uriel remarked at me.

I chose to ignore the reasonable and highly compelling, but very unsettling, prediction. Anyway, it was time to head for Altea's southern gate and prepare to go to Gideon. 

"I've been thinking this ever since you pointed it out back at Quartierlatin, but... aren't you making a bit too much of a deal out of my appearance?"

"...No. You will stand out no matter where and what you ride. Consider your apparel. After seeing your Storm Visage, the mere thought of your appearance changing again fills my heart with worry." Uriel Said.

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