He Is Fine

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   Everything about him was perfect. The way he walked and oh my gosh when he talked. Man I thought I would pass out. His voice is so deep and smooth and did I forget to say sexy. Yes indeed.

   And his eyes, so deep, dark, and intense. Its like they look right through you and I find that extremely incredible. Don’t even get me started on his lips. They are so plump, pink, and full. And oh so kissable.

   But guess what Diggy’s only missing one more thing in his life…..and that’s me.

   With all of this talk I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Aurora. I’m seventeen years old aye that’s wassup I’m living the life. Hahaha lemme stop so anyways I’ve never ever had a boyfriend and I’ve never had my first kiss.

   So I’m  hoping this year as a senior that sexy mofo Diggy will notice me. It might sound crazy but I’ve secretly loved him for about seven years now.

    I just love everything about him, his personality and the way his nose scrunches up when he laughs. There I go again getting off topic. I mean I just can help it that boy just drives me crazy.

   But he doesn’t even notice me. So I basically have a hopeless crush on someone I have no chance with. Don’t you just love my life?

   Well lemme get ready to get to this school full of thirsty groupies. And did I mention Mindless Behavior goes there too and Jacob Latimore, and Corahn. Oh gosh I love Diggy and all but that’s just too much sexiness in one place. You feel me right?
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