If Only It Was All A Dream

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Sorry for the wait :)



I was awoken once again to the face of my angry mother. I sighed in annoyance, here we go with the arguing, like come on cut me some slack mom I basically almost died.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"


"Do you hear me talking to you!"

"Mom" I maaged to say, I was shocked about how my voice came out all raspy and croaky.

"Just be happy I'm alive ma"

"Is Aurora alright?" I asked

I could already tell my the look on my mother's face that bad news was coming along, she paused then spoke.

"She's dead Diggy"

Oh shit....

"You're lying" I started but couldn't finish

I closed my hand in a fist and rammed it against my sweaty forehead.

"Damn , damn,damn" I muttered as tears rolled down my face. It was official I had waited way too long to tell her how I truly felt.

"Aww it's gonna be alright honey" my mom cooed as she reached over and tried to hug me.

"Nah ma, I just need to be alone for a while gotta get my thoughts together" I sniffed.

One question still remained as my mom began walking out of the room.

"Wait mom!"

"Yes baby" She replied as she turned around

"Can I just see her one more time"

Once again my mom had that saddened look on her face...bad news again. Can my life get any worse, that's all I wanted to know.

"I'm sorry baby but her parents came back up here to the hospital again when you were sleeping and requested their daughter to be cremated"

I couldn't breathe, literally. I felt so weak, this can't be real.

"I'm so sorry" My mom sobbed as she walked out the room

My beautiful Aurora burned to ashes? Jesus take the wheel, I just can't anymore. Just as I was about to go into another sobbing fit Zonnique walked through the door. She looked a mess, mascara running, hair all over the place, blood by the corner of her mouth. You don't even know the half of it. I've been through enough I just don't need her coming in here yelling me so damn sob story. I'm so done with her ass.


Help me.


Wow, not once did she even ask if I was alright, for Pete's sake I'm laying in a fucking hospital bed. She didn't give a damn about me, should've been with Aurora from the start and this nightmare would've never happened.

"DIGGY STOP BEING A BITCH!" Zonnique exclaimed

I've had it with her. I sat upright in the hospital bed ready to unleash the fumes bottled up inside of me.

"OH SO I'M BEING A "BITCH"" I yelled

All my frustration and anger was coming loose, it was all gonna come out sooner or later.

"WATCH YOUR MOUTH WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO ME" Zonnique snapped while rolling her eyes and neck in the process

"Hoe shut the fuck up! You ain't god I can talk to you any way I want after all the shit you put me through these past few weeks. You're nothing but a two timing, heartless bitch" I started my upper lip curled up in pure disgust.

Yeah I said a lot but trust I'm not done yet.

"Diggy...." Zonnique cooed as she reached out to try and stroke my cheek

"Diggy my ass! Zonnique it's over! I'm done with you! As soon as your selfish ass came into the hospital room all you did was talk shit! How could you not ask me what's happening? Or if I'm alright! Just admit it you don't give a fuck about me! I wish I could've now this sooner because I would've went for her...." I trailed off with my rant.

I looked up at her tear filled eyes and laughed. "You really got me fucked up, thinking I believe those crocodile tears running down your face"

"D-D-Diggy you really don't mean all that do you?"

She actually has the nerve to ask that type of question. Why are some girls so dumb? I just don't understand how someone's skull can be so thick.

"I'm dead serious, you don't care about me so why should I about you."

"Oh and here's your phone, attended to your hoes and niggas" I threw the phone at her feet once I retrieved it from my pants pocket.

I glared at her, the most coldest expression know to man was struck on my face. I was so tired of it all.

Zonnique's face then twisted into a angry expression as she picked up her phone want walked to the door.

"You'll never find anyone like me EVER again."

"That's the point...bitch"

I exhaled deeply and sunk my head back into the pillow, Aurora come back please... I need you....I love you and this time I mean it from the bottom of my heart.


We heard everything that was going on with Diggy, a curtain separated the beds, Nolen was in the same room and Shakira was in the bed next to him, they had both passed out at Aurora's house after hearing the tragic news of her death. I was still broken up myself, same with Roc.

"How could they burn her like that" Nolen asked his face looked strained and his eyes were glassy with a daze

Shakira just wouldn't stop crying, she was bawling literally. I knew I had to be the one that stood strong through all of this. I just wish god had another better plan, but the plan to take away my homie Aurora was way out of the picture.

"He loves her..." Nolen said slowly

"Just like I do, but she'll never know now."

Just as Nolen was about to say something else the curtain was snatched back and we all looked into the face of Diggy.

"What'd you say bruh?"

"I said l love her" Nolen said once again

Well got damn this was all news to me.

"I've been in love with her since I've laid eyes on her in 2nd grade, I'm not like you now realizing that you love her after she's gone!"

"Oh gosh Nolen" Shakira whispered

"You know nothing about me" Diggy said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"The fuck you mean?! I know you well enough to realize that you're not in love with her you just want her now all because of that thot you were just bitching with!"

Diggy's facial expression hardened and so did Nolen's I felt the tension growing by the second. Within a matter of seconds they began fighting.

They just wouldn't stop!

"STOP!" Roc yelled as he tries to break them up but they just pushed him away.

Nurses rushed into the room, followed by security and Diggy's mom and Zonnique ass was still here. I wonder where she just came from, hmmm probably just finished sucking somebody off.


All motions stopped and all eyes were on me, since I barely yelled it was shocking for everyone even myself.

"Y'all need to get the shit together because there's nothing y'all can do to bring her back. I'm out"

And with that I put on my dark shades and headed out the door. The dark shades hid the sadness in my eyes....I miss you girl.


This took me a minute to figure out but y'all needed this update lol so tell me what you think. I love you guys so much.

Goal: 15+ comments? 50+votes 😊💕

Until next time y'all I'm out peace

You Be Killin Em (Diggy Simmons Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora