Make It Last Forever

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   I swear y'all this is like the best day of my life, I just can't stop smiling. I didn't even know what to do, I was just that estatic. Well there was one thing that I could do, and that was to thank Zonnique for everything even though I didn't believe her from the start. I walked down the hallway in the direction she went in and saw her digging through her locker.

"Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for not believing you" I started

"Diggy it's fine" Zonnique giggled and closed her locker in the process

"Yeah so take care." I replied "And thanks again"

"No problem" I heard her say as I walked off back to Aurora and the rest of the crew. Zonnique's voice sounded a little rocky as if she were holding back tears, oh gosh. I turned around again to face her and ask her if she wanted to join the rest of us but she was gone.

   I shook my head in confusion, and proceeded down the hall back to the rest of the crew. One I reached there I witnessed Nolen and Aurora wrapped up in a bear hug, Mariah was leaned against the lockers picking at her nails, obviously trying to avoid the situation. And as for me? Just seeing them hug made my mind track back to what happened in the hospital that day Aurora "died". What is Nolen still has feelings for her? What am I gonna do then? I hope he doesn't but from the looks of it he's sprung on Mariah, I pray it stays that way. Because if it doesn't then who knows all the shit that's gonna go down. Honestly all I want is Aurora.

They eventually pulled back from the hug and smiled at each-other.

"Aurora I want you to meet Mariah" Nolen said as he reached out to take Mariah's hand she grabbed his hand.

"Hi nice to finally meet you I've heard so much about you" Mariah shook Aurora's hand and they smiled at each other I could already smell drama coming.

"Alright y'all I hate to break up this little love fest but that bell is gonna ring is a minute and we gotta get out asses to class" Princeton interrupted

Shakira's head whipped towards him so fast, damn I would've thought she broke her neck.

"Listen nigga! If you feel that way then YOU take YOUR ASS to class, we chillin and I don't remember you being invited" Shakira snapped, her upper lip curling up in the process.

Prince looked around, he looked hurt.

"Alright" He mumbled as he walked away not looking Shakira in the eye once.

"Come on Shakira don't you think that was a little harsh" AJ said

"Yeah it's Valentines day cut him some slack" Aurora said. She looked over at me and smiled, I returned the favor.

"Y'all might be right, or whatever, imma see y'all later hit me up on my line if y'all got any other plans." Shakira said as she walked away.

"So what are we doing though" Mariah asked eyeing Aurora up and down. Oh gosh please don't start this. Nolen must've peeped it too because he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him, she looked up and him and smiled.

"Y'all was thinking about skipping or nah? Cause we gotta celebrate" Roc said

"That's right baby!" AJ exclaimed as she smiled up at Roc.

You Be Killin Em (Diggy Simmons Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now