Kokichi Ouma.

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I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself before I enter Kokichi's room. It's been a while since I've seen him, and he might not have been getting better at all. In fact, there's a good chance that he's getting worse. Nobody's gotten a good update from the hospital. Actually, nobody's gotten any updates from the hospital.

I push my worry down deep inside of me. I can't let it get in the way of seeing him. It'd be rude to come all this way and not check on him at all. I brace myself as I place my hand on the doorknob, but jump in surprise as the door opens on its own.

I'm immediately greeted by an annoyed voice. "It's about time you got here! I've been waiting for..."


"Shumai!" the smaller exclaims, jumping into my arms. I'm surprised that he's up and moving already. "Heh, you must've missed me so much!"

"I did!" I tell him, making his eyes widen. "I was so worried... we weren't getting any news from the hospital and..."

"...Well don't worry! I'm alive and well! Nothing can defeat the Ultimate Supreme Leader!" Kokichi laughs. He then takes me by my hand and drags me into the room, hastily shutting the door behind us.

The hospital room is very simple and bland, white being the predominant color all around the room. There are no notable decorations anywhere. It must've been more painful for Kokichi to stay here than the reason he was admitted in the first place.

"I've been bored out of my mind. There are no good shows to watch!" Kokichi complains, pointing towards a TV in the corner. He grabs the remote and hands it to me, encouraging me to search for something good to put on. I gently take the remote from him, turning the screen on and browsing the channels.

"Let's play a game, Shumai!" the leader suggests suddenly. "Lemme guess which channel would be your favorite!"

"H-huh? Okay..." I agree. I start switching through the channels slowly, trying to keep a constant pace so he would have a harder time identifying which channel I preferred. I was actually quite interested in a certain news channel; there was a report on the Future Foundation and the sweet reporter was talking about how she appreciated our service. As much as I wanted to keep watching, I had to keep moving until the game was over.

Once I get through all the channels (there aren't many... unsurprisingly), I turn to Kokichi to let him know that I finished. "Well, do you have a guess?"

The purple-eyed puts a finger to his chin, eyes clouding as though he's deep in thought. I've noticed that he has a habit of fiddling with his fingers whenever he has to think hard about something. It doesn't matter what he's doing with his hands; he just had to be preoccupied to concentrate. Sometimes he plays with his hair (or mine) and occasionally he clicks a pen. It's all very random, but I find it pretty... cute.

Cute?  Where did I get that from?! I shouldn't be thinking about my friend like that. However, I couldn't help but admire Kokichi. He's so confident, and clever... and everything that I'm not. I wonder why I'm the celebrity sensation and he isn't. But regardless of that, I'm really glad that Kokichi is in my life. I want him to stay in it.

I snap back to reality at the sound of Kokichi's voice. "Hmm... it has to be the crime channel, of course!"

"You're pretty sure of yourself," I chuckle. "Why do you think that?"

"Because you're a detective? Don't detectives love crime?" he asks, tilting his head.

"Even detectives get tired of criminals from time to time," I say. "But that's the wrong channel, even though it was a good guess. Why don't you want to watch it?"

{ORIGINAL} "You're Perfect For Me" // A Saiouma StoryWhere stories live. Discover now