Diamonds Are Forever..

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Diamond POV

I woke up with the worst hangover. Its the day after my birthday and i was too excited to finally be 18. I turned over to see throw up all over my white sheets. Not caring if it was mine or not i screamed in disgust for my house maid to come clean this shit up.

"Yes miss diamond you rang." she said sarcastically.

"Umm.. Yeah Margret, its puke in my bed, it needs to be gone like asap." I said to her with puppy dog eyes. I knew she would clean it regardless but i just had so much respect for her.

Margret is 1 of our many house maids. She was the only employee that i held on a friendship level. I never really had lots of real friends, so Margret was the one i always told my secrets to as i grew up. Whenever i needed a shoulder to cry on or i just needed to talk she was there.

I am so rude, i didnt even introduce myself. Im Diamond Rye, 18 years old and i love to spend money lol. I live in a huge mansion in L.A. with my godparents who raised me. Im originally from Washington D.C. but i moved here to live with my godparents when i was three. My mom started doing drugs and could no longer take care of me. My mom was in the streets hard but she refused to have me in the system or foster homes.

As I got older they told me the story, I was hurt at first but i realized it was for the better. Growing up I had everything I ever wanted. Duhh were rich as fuck. My god daddy spoils me to death. Im his only girl what yall expect.

As i sat on the couch in my bedroom while Margret was cleaning the mess. I saw my phones notification light blinking like crazy. I took it off the charger and unlocked it to see 5missed calls and 15 text messages.

"Dang somebody blowing me up." i said aloud to myself. I laid back and went through all my messages. Some of them were just from people i gave my number to last night to send me the pics we took together on their phone. Man i was turnt up. The rest were from my boyfriend Tay.

*Baee* you wayyy too drunk -11:45pm
*Baee* where tf you at shawd -12:15am
*Baee* cant wait to get you out that dress boo -12:39am
*Baee* damn forreal thats where we at? You just going leave me here -1:10am
*Baee* you wild as shit ma -2:00am
*Baee* I know you see my messages shawd. You woke or nahh -9:52am
*Baee* wake up baby girl -10:34am
*Baee* ight whatever cool. Fuck this shit im done -11:15am

Damn i don't really remember what i did last night but i do know i wasn't with my baby at all. I know he's pissed, these messages tell it all. We just got back cool from a whole two weeks of ignoring each other.

Im not going to text him back that would just piss him off more. I decided to just drive to his house and talk to him in person.

"Would you like me to draw a bath or run the shower for you?" Margret asked breaking me from my daydream.

"Shower Mar, thanks" i said winking at her.

I went and picked out my fit, took my shower, and got dressed. I put on a white Tommy Hilfiger tee and my white Giorgio Armani jeans. I had all gold jewelry and put on my gold MK flip flops to bring it together.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to see that our chef Leo had my breakfast waiting for me. It was past 12 so i know gmom and gdad were gone for the day. They never were the type to stick around the house all day. After i finished my food i got my keys off the hook by the garage door and hoped in my black matted 2014Chevy Tahoe.

"Ugh lets go see how bad the damage is" i said pulling out our long drive way to go see Tay.

About 30 minutes later i pulled up to Tay's 3 story condo. Tay is 20, he moved out his parents house soon as he turned 18. Tay wanted me to move in with him but i didn't think i was ready. Being that i just turned 18 i know he's going to be bugging about that sooner or later.

I hopped out my truck and walked down his patio to knock on the door. After I knocked and rung the bell twice i heard footsteps come to the door.

"Wassup, what you want shawd." he said without opening the door.

"Don't play with me Tayvon open this fucking door." I said very irritated. He knew i wasn't playing when i called him bye his whole first name.

He opened the door and he was ass naked eating crushed ice out of a plastic baggie. I couldnt help but laught at the sight.

"Stink whats going on where your clothes at?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"What you mean." he said dry as ever.

"Babe you ass naked walking around the house at 2 in the afternoon. Whats going on talk to me."

He mumbled something under his breath while walking away. I couldn't really hear it but knowing him it was some smart ass comment. I hate when he's mad at me, he acts like a baby. I wasn't having all that, not today. While his back was still turned i tackled him to the ground.

"What the fuck Diamond. Get off me man." he said roughly trying to push me off him.

"Nooo baby im sorry. I know you mad at me for leaving you last night but you know i was drunk as hell. Can we charge it to the liquor and move on. I luhh you baeee." i started kissing all over his back leaving red lipstick kisses all over his tattoos.

Still on the floor he turned on his back so that i was straddling him. I couldn't help but stare at his fully tattooed body i loved so much. "Its all yours you don't gotta stare boo." he smirked.

Feeling my face get warm and turn red i got up and sat on his couch. "Go put some clothes on Tay we need to talk. at least put on some draws." He got up and ran upstairs.

When he came back down he had on some Nike basketball shorts. He pulled me off the couch, sat down then pulled me on his lap. He put his face in the crook of my neck and began to suck causing me to let out a small moan.

"We don't need to talk bae, i accept your apology. I know you was turnt last night so imma forgive you." He said then sucking my neck again. "I was just mad cause you was looking so good last night and i wanted fuck the shit out you. Would have been your best birthday gift ever." he said cheesing all hard.

"Well... you know its never to late to give someone a gift." i said standing up pulling him off the couch. He smirked and picked me up bridal style taking me upstairs to his bedroom.


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