Auntie Diamond..

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Dion in Pic

Dion POV

I flew back in town Friday afternoon after setting up everything in California. I wanted my sister back too but not as much as my mother. She was making me go to the extreme to keep Dia here in DC. Honestly, i really don't think anything we could possibly do would make her stay if she didn't want to. Diamond has never said she didn't want to be here but i can tell she loves living in Cali. She has a great family there too. Such a shame all that was about to change.

Before going home i stopped by my mothers house to let her know i was back in town. I had a key so i walked in and went to the back to see if she was in her room. She was laying across her bed watching the Wendy Williams show.

"Wassup wassup. What you doing up in here mamma?" I said flopping on the bed beside her. "Heyy my baby. Im glad you made it back....." she said hugging me. "Everything situated?" She said whispering. "Yeah ma i paid....." i started to tell her everything about the plan but she cut me off.

"Shhh boy shut up. Diamond in the next room. She spent the night here. Just tell me later." She said still whispering.
"Yeah okay ma." I said laughing and walking out her room.

I went across the hall to the twins room and cracked the door. Diamond and Dontay was in there watching a movie and smoking.
"Damn when is y'all muhfuckas not smoking?" I said busting through the door.
"Nigga shut up. I bought the weed from your men. You smoke more than us anyway." Dontay said passing me the blunt. Diamond just laughed.

"Wassup sis. I don't get no love." I said smirking at her.
"Don't talk to me D I'm mad at you." She said folding her arms.
"Mad? Why you mad at me for baby girl?" I asked confused.
"Because i haven't seen you in forever. You didn't even tell me you was in Cali when you called." She said.

"Awee my sissy missed me. When i was in Cali i wanted to surprise you. By time i found out where you lived you were already here." I said to her pulling her into a hug.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever." She said then hugging me back.

"What you been up to?" I asked smirking, as if i didn't already know.
"Nothing really, just cooling." She said dryly.
"Mhmm. Heard you got you a new boyfriend."
"Boyfriend? My nigga on the other side of this country. What you chatting about?" She said. My man Smoke been telling me everything he did with her this week. Before i left i told him to take care of her. Yesterday he told me he was trying to get with her. Usually i would have a problem with that but my sister is grown now she can handle herself. Plus Smoke a good nigga, i wouldn't have left her with him if he wasn't.

"Don't play dumb my boy Smoke said he bout to make you his wife." I said laughing.
"You mean Brandon? Boy Dion bye your lil friend be trying. Like i told him, i have a boyfriend." She said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah but is he a good nigga? My man Smoke is a good nigga."
"Dion i don't care! I love Tayvon and he loves me. It wont ever be anyone more right for me than him. He's a good man, he get to the money, he smart, he caring, he trust me and he's faithful...... What else could i ask for?"....

Tayvon POV

"Damn Diamond don't stop." I said to the bitch throwing it back on me.
"Diamond? My name ain't no damn Diamond."
"Shit Tammy... I mean... Damn what the hell is your name?" I asked confused.
"Never mind my name. Fuck you T." She said putting her clothes back on and leaving the trap. She stormed out my office and Snooze walked in moments later.

"Damn you done with her already nigga? She looked mad, Haaaaa what your dick couldn't get hard?" He asked while laughing hysterically.
"Shut up. She mad cause i aint know her name. I called her ass Diamond and Tammy."
"Damnnnn. You better get that shit together before Dia get back. You goin fuck around and call her ass Tammy too......" He said sitting on my desk. "Speaking of Tammy, how you know her and Kayla?" He asked. I guess Kayla was the dark skin girl from yesterday.

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