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Diamond POV

"How the fuck can you mother fuckers sleep right now!" I yelled waking everybody up. Last night after me and Snipe got that letter he called the boys over. Snipe, Moe, Tommy and Rome were in the living room knocked out. I was tossing and turning all night worrying about my baby. They got shit fucked up if they think they going sleep this off.

"Everybody get the fuck up now!" I yelled. Everyone sat up and looked at me like i was crazy. "Damn Dia its 5am." Snipe said, damn near whining. I shot a glare at him and he threw his hands up surrendering.

"I don't give a fuck. My nigga missing, probably somewhere hurt and y'all mother fuckers in here sleep." I said then went and turned all the lights on. I could hear the boys sucking their teeth and blowing they breath. I was about to go and cuss they ass out some more but there was a knock at the door.

All the boys hopped up at the same time and pulled guns out. I just stood off to the side while Snipe opened the door. When everyone lowered their guns i figured it was someone they knew. In walked Snooze with papers in his hands. He dapped everyone up and came to give me a hug. He started talking about the letter we found on the door.

"At least one of y'all niggas doing something." I mumbled and went to sit on the couch next to him. Snooze laid all the papers out on the coffee table and continued talking.

Snooze POV

"Yall heard of that nigga SnakeEyes right?" I asked my men. Everyone nodded and Rome started to pace the floor.

"Yeaaaa. Thats the nigga who had my cousin Vinny killed a couple years ago. He works out of Compton." Rome said.

"Yeah. He runs a gang called DiceGame. I happen to know a guy that use to work with him. He told me where their trap is. I drove past there and seen T truck in their lot. I bet he's there too." I said looking up at everyone.

It just so happen that one of the gangs we're affiliated with is making a drop with them tomorrow. I think i have a plan on how to get in there. All i need is to get inside their trap and everything should be smooth from there.

"We need to get inside. Thats the only way we could be able to get to T." I said

"Yeah man but they not going to just let us walk up in they spot like that........ I hear SnakeEyes be chopping niggas heads off too." Snipe said. After he said that Diamond started freaking out. Then she ran upstairs and we heard doors slam.

"Really man? You just going say some shit like that in front of her. You stupid or something." Rome said looking at Snipe like he was crazy. Knowing them two a argument was on the way so i cut them off and continued explaining the plan.

'The AlleyBoys supposed to be getting a big ass shipment through DiceGame tomorrow afternoon. Usually when they do business they go to their domain. Snake likes to feel like he has the upper hand during transactions." I said. Everyone was looking at me so focused.

"Yea, yea, so what does that have to do with T." Rome asked looking confused.

"You dumb mother fucker!!!!..." Snipe spat at him slightly raising his voice. ".....We go in with the AlleyBoys. Once we get in we fuck shit up and find Tay." He said then looking at me for confirmation.

"Exactly. Now for their organization to be so advanced, their security is some shit. They barely have front entrance guards and their facility has so many unguarded entrances. I guess SnakeEyes is too cocky to believe somebody will run up in his shit........." I said chuckling then pulled out a couple of papers.

"Here is a floor plan of their warehouse. We come through their main entrance with the AlleyBoys. Once we get to the stairwell, instead of going up with them to their meeting room we go down. Which should lead us to their holding cells. They be having young niggas guarding their holding cells. Snipe you should be able to take them young niggas out." I said then looked up at snipe. He was smiling extra hard. Snipe lives for that shit. He wakes up every morning hoping he could kill a nigga.

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