Hes Feeling Me..

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Brandon in pic

Diamond POV

I woke up from the best sleep. These hotel beds feel like heaven. I stripped down and went to turn the shower on when i heard my phone ringing. I found my phone and saw it was Tay calling me on FaceTime. I slid the screen to answer his call.

"Hi baby, goodmorning." i said showing my whole naked body. "Hell yeah its a goodmorning." Tay said cheesing all hard in the camera. I brought the camera back up to my face because he was getting a little too excited.

"Sexy ass, how was your flight baby? You like it there so far?" Tay asked. "Flight was okay. Yeah i like it so far, my family is great." I said answering his questions. "Thats wassup baby. Hope you have fun but i cant wait till you get back." He said

"Me too bae. You better stay outta truoble too." I said looking at him with a serious face. "Man ill try baby, you know how shit flow over here." He said rubbing the back if his neck.

"Mhm and you better not be out giving my dick away either." I said before flashing my body at him. "Damn, you keep showing me all that i might not be able to wait until you get back..." He said before showing me the huge bulge in his boxers. "...... Look you got me hard as shit."

"Yeah well you better go take a cold shower or something. Im not playing Tay, you cheat on me I'm cutting yo dick off and...." i said but was cut off by a knock at the door.

"Baby ill call you back somebody at the door. Love you." I said then blowing kisses at him. "I love you too ma. Put some fucking clothes on before you open that door too." He said yelling the last part. I just laughed blew him one more kiss then hung up.

I got up and grabbed a robe from the bathroom and went to the door. I looked out the peep hole and someone had their finger covering it up.

"Who is it?" I yelled through the door.
"Girl open the door its your sister." I heard Di'nae yell back. I opened the door and she was standing there with a big grin on her face. I smiled and opened the door wide enough for her to walk in. I was closing the door when someones foot stopped it. I looked up and it was that fine ass dude i seen her with yesterday.

"Dont be rude Dia let him in. This is Brandon, he works with Dion...." She said before walking close to me "....hes the guy i was telling you about. Aint he fine." She said whispering in my ear. Brandon walked up and extended his hand out to me.

"Wassup beautiful I'm Brandon but everybody call me Smoke. Ive been hearing a lot about you, Nice to finally meet you." He said while shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too." I said awkwardly then raping my robe tighter on my body.

"What yall doing here?" I asked
"Welll.. Brandon here is going to show you around the city and introduce you to some people......" She said with that stupid smile on her face. She think she slick, she just trying to get me with this brandon guy. "I would do it myself but you not gonna want to hang with people my age, i only know 15 and 16 year olds. Plus i got school ugh." She said the last part irritated like.

"Umm okay cool i guess." I said forcing a smile. I really need to put some clothes on. I could seriously feel Brandon's eyes all over me. Like he was undressing me in his head. I mean I'm flattered cause he fine as hell but I'm spoken for. Tayvon would beat my ass if he knew some nigga was in my room while I'm basically naked.

"Okayy so you get dressed while i take your little sister to school. When i come back ill show you around. Might even take you to where me and your brother D work." Brandon said as he stood up about to head to the door.

"Mhm and where do you and Dion work exactly?" I asked looking at Brandon. He looked at me and started chuckling. "Ohh you don't know boo? Im the plug."

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