Im Sorry..

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Unknown POV

I got business out here on the West Coast. If people need somebody to "disappear" i make that happen. I was recently hired by some guy that said he was from DC. I don't know what business he had out here in California but the money was good so i asked no questions.

Dion POV

"Now I'm going to ask you one more time..... WHERE THE FUCK IS MY MONEY AND MY FUCKING PRODUCT!!!" I yelled at the guy bleeding on the floor. One of my men was moving some product out the city last week when this bitch nigga robbed him. I must admit, whoever he worked for trained him well because i couldn't get a word out of him. Thats cool though i wont mind killing his ass.

"I ain't telling you shit.... fuck your money, fuck your drugs, fuck your crew, and fuck you nigga.... You might as well kill me." He said still coughing up blood.

"Ugh I'm getting bored. Thats the best shit you said all day nigga."
*Pow* *Pow* *Pow*
... And with that his ass was dead, What a shame.

I went up stairs to the living room and seen two of my men just laying around. I stood at the entrance and just looked at these niggas. "This don't look like working to me?" I said getting their attention.

"Man D i just caught a body. I cant go out there right now. Feds is swarming." Timbo said. I looked at Jordan to see what his excuse was. He just looked at me and shook his head. "Its hot as shit out there bruh." He said. I just laughed at his ass and sat on the couch.

"Y'all niggas lucky y'all normally put in work. Y'all making me loose money but at least i know y'all working double tomorrow." I said smirking. They sucked they teeth and shook they heads.

"You heard from Smoke?" Timbo asked me. "Nah not since yesterday." I responded.
"Bruh called me eariler, said he was going stop by but he wanted to see his girl first." Timbo said.
"His girl? When this nigga get a girl? Who want his ass?" Jordan asked laughing. A few moments later we heard car doors slamming. Tim jumped up and peaked out the window. "I guess we bout to find out. Smoke here." Tim said before flopping back on the couch.

Smoke walked in and stood in the entrance way to the living room. Jordan wasted no time grilling his ass. "So who your girl? Where shawdy at? You lying or nah?"

"Nigga shut up. You always asking questions mind yo business cuz." Smoke said. Everyone started laughing, Smoke and Jordan always arguing. "Dont get mad fool. I wanna see who shawdy is too." I said still laughing at him.

Soon as i said that Diamond walked in the door and stood beside him. "Damn she bad as shit!" Jordan said damn near falling off the couch. I smacked him upside his head. "Nigga thats my sister shut up." I said clenching my teeth.

Everyone was quiet for a moment but you know Jordan had to ruin it. He started snickering and Timbo busted out laughing. "Ahaaaa. You bout to die nigga. Thats D sister. How your girlfriend going be the boss sister." He said still dying of laughter. I wasn't gonna kill him but by the look on Dia face she sure was.

"Girlfriend? You told them i was your girl? You stupid or something, brandon i ain't your fucking girl lets get that shit straight." She said all angry and shit. Females and they crazy attitudes.

You know the jokes ain't stop there. Timbo and Jordan was clowning and laughing his ass out. I couldn't help but to laugh too. I stopped laughing though when Diamond shot me a look. "You think this shit funny too D? You know I'm not his girl. You be letting your men say anything out they mouth." She said to me.

"Hold up Dia. I had no part, i didn't even know he was talking about you." I said trying to defend myself. She just rolled her eyes and stormed upstairs to my office. J and Tim was still laughing but Smoke face was stiff as shit. I seen how serious he was so i calmed them down.

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