Welcome to DC..

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Diamond POV

"Baby.... Baeeee..... hey wake up...." I heard Tay voice in my sleep. I rolled over and drifted back off to sleep. I felt wet kisses being planted all over my face. The last one was so wet i felt slob running down my cheek.

"Eww Tay you spitting all over me. What you want." I said groggily and wiping sleep crust out my eyes. I heard tay start laughing beside me. "Eww people be real ugly in the mornings." He said still laughing. I looked at him and flipped him off.

"What you want Tay." i said irritated cause i was still tired. "Im hungry." He said with a innocent tone in his voice.

I picked my phone up off the dresser and looked at the time. "Get the fuck outta here Tayvon. Its 5 in the fucking morning." I said yelling at him then pulling the sheets over my head. I was still naked from last night.

Tay started shaking me and pulling on my arm. "Baby I'm hung....." I cut him off before he could even finish his sentence. "Tayvon Malik Jones, don't fucking touch me don't fucking talk to me, don't even look at me. If you wake me up one more time imma murder yo ass." I said with a attitude. He knew i was serious cause he knows how i get when i don't get my sleep.

It felt like 5 minutes later, but it was actually more (yall know how time fly when you sleep lol) G mom came in my room and drew my curtains back.
The sun beamed all through the room waking me up. I groaned a turned over feeling around the bed for Tay.

"Pumpkin wake up." I heard my god mother sing in my ear. "Whyyy ma, its so earlyyy." i whined and put a pillow over my head. "Come on get up. You have 2oclock flight and i want to spend some time with you before you leave baby girl. By time i come back up here you need to have some clothes on." She said walking to the door.

"Ma, where Tayvon go?" I asked sitting up in the bed. "You know his ass is in my kitchen..." she said laughing "better come get him before he eat all the breakfast i made for you." She said then walked out the door.

Ma must really is going to miss me. She woke me herself and cooked breakfast. Usually she had Margret to wake me and had leo cooking all the meals. Not always though, sometimes she gave all the workers time off when she felt like being independent or didn't want them around the house. Pops loved having servants around all the time cause he was just lazy. Ma didn't, she grew up in the hood in DC so she knew how to make it on her own.

I hopped out the bed and went to the bathroom. I ran the shower water and went to use the toilet. After doing what i had to do i threw my hair up under my shower cap and hopped in the hot shower. I stood there for a while and just let the hot water hit my skin. Then i washed my body and got out.

When i got out i didn't really feel like getting dressed yet. I dried my body down and put this pink spandex dress on then threw my robe on over top. I smelled food in the air soon as i opened my door. I walked down the hall to the steps. The top of the stairs had a balcony that over looked the living room and the kitchen. I could see Tay ass stuffing his face with food. "Fat ass." I mumbled to myself then walked down the steps.

I walked in the kitchen and Tay was in the fridge getting sonething to drink. "Goodmorning daddy." I said reaching out to hug him. He swerved me then went back to where his plate was.

"Damn you not say goodmorning." I said puttin my hands on my hip.
"Don't touch me, don't talk to me, don't even look at me remember." He said with out even looking up from his plate. I just stood there laughing at his childish ass.

"Ughh you a sucka...." i said laughing and walking over to him. I came behind him and rapped my arms around his neck and started kissing his face. "My stink mad at me." I said before biting on his neck. He didn't even budge. I started started whispering freaky shit to him and put my tongue in his ear. He had a big ass corny smile on his face.

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