Boss Down..

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Diamond POV

"Im in your city girly, where are you?" A male voice said coming through the phone. I took the phone from my ear to see who it was. Sean's name came up across the screen. "Hey Sean, I'm... Im at the beach right now." I said pulling myself up off the sand. Ive been here since i left the meeting earlier; i guess i fell asleep. I looked at my watch and the time read 4:30pm.

"Girl yasss! I bet yall LA bitches be at the beach everyday." He said. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment. "Yeahh something like that.... What you up to? How long you staying here?" I asked trying to fast forward the conversation. I loved hanging with Sean back in D.C. he cool as hell; i just wasn't feeling being on the phone right now.

"Just a week girl, and i ain't been doing nothing but shopping and trying to find me a fine ass west coast man to marry." He said all excited. "Well I think I could help you with that...." I said chuckling. ".... Just let me know when you want to link up okay." I said hoping this would end the convo.

Before he could respond i heard a beeping in my phone letting me know it was a call on the other line. I looked at the screen and it was Snipe. "Hey Sean i got a call on the other line, it's important. Ill hit you back okay. Sean said okay then I clicked over.

"Please tell me you got him back safe"
".... Umm, yeah we got him back.... But..."
"But what Snipe!!"
"He.. He was shot.. Only in the shoulder, he should be fine Diamond just relax."
"Ughh where the hell are you guys?"
"The hospital ill send you the address."
"I know how to get to the damn hospital Snipe, see you there."

The plan was to do 100mph all the way to the hospital. But wouldn't you know, just like clockwork, it was rush hour. Traffic came to a stand still and no cars as far as i could see were moving. "Ughhh I Hate LA" I shouted then slouched down in my seat.

Tammy POV

When i came to everything was blurry. I looked up and i saw that i was in snipes arms. I saw blood all down my clothes and started to get nervous. I didn't feel any pain except a banging headache. I just kept wondering where the blood was coming from.

We were in the back of Snooze's escalade truck. I was startled by groaning coming from the third row. I turned around and it was T stretched across the seat with a bullet wound in his shoulder. "Oh. My. Fucking. God...." I said once i laid eyes on him, suddenly I started to panic.

"Oh god, Oh god, Oh god!! HELP!! Somebody help him...." I shouted i looked up at snipe and he was looking at me. I could see all the pain in his eyes. It looked like he was holding back so many tears. He was staring blankly at the floor not saying at word. Still in his arms i kept shaking his shoulder trying to get his attention.

"Snipe what happened to Tay?..." I questioned, he said nothing. "... Snipe! Snipe answer me! He's hurt we need to get him to the hospital." I cried. Snipe still didn't say anything. I started crying hysterically and attempted to crawl in the back with T.

Snooze slammed on the breaks and pulled me back to my seat. "Sit The Fuck Down Girl!" He yelled at me. I looked over at snipe and he was crying with his face in his lap. "Please.. We need help. I need to help him." I said before trying to climb in the back again. Once more Snooze pulled me by the back of my shirt sitting me back in my seat. This time he reached around me and put my seatbelt on.

"We're going to the hospital now. Will you please calm down." He said with clenched jaws like he was trying to keep calm himself. I slouched in the seat and looked back at T. We had made eye contact and i felt a tear running down my face. "Don't.... Cry." T said then tried to reach my face to dry my tears. Before he could reach my face he passed out.

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