Black Card Shawdy..

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•Tammy and Diamond in picture•

Diamond POV

Its been love having Tony home for the past couple of weeks. I knew he would be leaving soon though. He never really like being here. He was out of dodge every chance he got.

I walked into my bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror before brushing my teeth. God I didn't feel like going to work today, but that was a good thing about Tammy, whenever I didn't feel like doing anything I just got her to do it. I realize I was an awesome teacher too because Tammy was really getting good at her job. Even Miss Lee thought so.

I came out the bathroom and walked down the hall to Tony's room to see if he was up. I knocked on his door and he gave me the OK to come in. He was laying in the bed on FaceTime with some girl.

"Ohh hell no boyfriend you got me fucked up. Who that bitch you on face time with?" I joked trying to sound ghetto as possible. I could hear the girl taking bout "who the fuck is that Tony" I died laughing shawdy was mad as hell.

"Nahh nah boo nothing like that. That's my irritating little sister." He said turning the camera on me.

"Don't fucking put that camera on me boy ion know that bitch." I said in the most aggravated tone. I could hear the girl going off then I heard the beep when someone hangs up.

"Damn Dia you fucking up my cheeks." Tony said throwing a pillow at me.

"My bad bruh but not my fault shawd don't know how to take a joke. You wasn't bout to get no cheeks anyway." I said throwing the pillow back at him.

"Its cool, she was just a lil thot anyway. Definitely was gonna get some cheeks though and shawty got that fire head." He said throwing his head back with his eyes rolling in the back his head.

"Oh god Tony I did not come in here for all that. I just wanted to know when you planned on leaving." I said picking up his phone taking selfies.

"Dangggg sis that's messed up. You trying get rid of big bruh already." He said crossing his arms.

"Noo no not like that Tone. I wanted to know cause I kinda wanted to throw you a party before you left." I said still talking selfies.

"Awww how nice." He said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes. "Well today is Thursday so I'll probably end up leaving Sunday." He told me.

"Ight well I'm going to throw you a party Saturday. It's a pool party. Invite your friends from here, I'll invite some people, it'll be fun." I said walking out his room.

"Ight cool. And I'm deleting these pics of you." He yelled behind me. I paid him no mind after "ight cool.

"Shit, its 10:15." I said looking at the clock on my car radio. I was supposed to be at work at 9:30 miss lee going be pissed. "Ughhh i fucking hate LA traffic." I said while violently honking the horn.

When i finally made it to the boutique it was 10:30. I walked in the shop and it wasn't busy. There was only a couple in the fitting booth trying on a wedding gown. Tammy had already taken care of them so i knew i wouldn't be in that much trouble.

After i sat my bag down and clocked in i walked to the back to see miss lee. She was at her desk with coffee in one hand and a pen in the other signing some checks. "A whole hour late diamond." she said without even looking up at me.

"Im sorry miss lee, you know how traffic is. Plus there was a huge accident on the highway." I said picking up a cup of coffee i assumed was mine. "I understand. Just don't let it happen again. I just don't really trust the new girl to manage my front counter by herself yet." She said finally looking up at me. "Nice dress." she smirked. She knew it was one of the dresses from her collection. "Thanks." I said smiling walking back to the front.

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