Chapter 25: Eternity

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The shadow slowly fades into the dark. All details of their faces, drifting apart. Standing at the edge of a world I once shared with you.

What I pursue is the dream of eternity.


This is a tale that you humans have passed down through uncounted generations. It tells of a war of unmatched scale and ferocity, the likes of which would never be seen again.

One dark, fateful day, the earth cracked wide and malevolent forces rushed from the fissure. They mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people, driving the land into despair...

They burnt forests to ash, choked the lands springs, froze over mountains and murdered without hesitation. They did all this in their lust to steal the ultimate power from the three Golden Goddesses. The power they guarded was without question; such was its ultimate power that they placed into the care of the younger, white goddess.

Many, many years before this fated war, a strange kitsune spirit roamed the surface with her Master, the King of all demons and malice. He created her with the utmost care, and despite her petite, delicate nature, her heart was as cold as ice.

Her name was Ei. She was deemed one of the most powerful, and beautiful demons in the land, and served her Master with incredible diligence. But even then, despite being at her Master's side, she grew lonely.

Her Master, noticing the fox envoy's loneliness, created another sword spirit. He became her very best friend until the very end. But even then, her curiosity and her loneliness were not satisfied.

She slipped away one night, at the sound of a beautiful harp. Her fluffy ears had never heard such a stunning sound, and the young girl she saw immediately wound her into curiosity. She found herself creeping closer and closer before the girl beckoned her to her side. The girl knew who she was but was never frightened.

The young goddess was kind, even to demons. Despite the fox spirit being far older than her, the Goddess took a liking to her. The demon Princess, though hesitant, abandoned her duties and formally joined the goddess. To her, the demon filled the empty position of a mother.

In return of the Fox envoy's kindness, the goddess surprised her with a very special gift. Four strange people whom she told the Kitsune were her new, younger siblings. The Princess was overjoyed at the gift and spent each day with her found family.

But then, the war broke out.

The demoness was saddened when she had left her Master and her friend and was even more so when their eyes met on the battlefield. Yet with her assistance, she, the Goddess, and a race known as 'The Sheikah' sent a corner of the earth skyward. It went beyond the demonic presence, and further beyond the clouds.

With the humans safe, the Goddess, the five generals, and the Sheikah defended their land, sealing the demons away.

Demise, the Demon King and a Deity who conquered time itself, had been sealed deep beneath the surface of the earth. You were victorious, but the land had been further damaged in the uproar.

Many lives were lost that day. The Goddess was wounded severely. Four of the five Generals had been slaughtered, and many Sheikah had been brutally murdered. All that stood was the wise Kitsune, The Goddess, the Hero, and various other Sheikah.

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