A Month To Live (5)

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'Okay soldier,' I said formally to Bradley, turning so I could see right into his eyes as I gave him my orders.

At the current moment in time we happened to be standing outside of the school gates nervously. We'd already been here for a few minutes, weighing up the good and the bad about the situation. Most of it was bad.

'You give me a leg up over the fence and I'll run in and grab my house keys from the car,' I told him, putting on a brave face.

It wasn't as if we were going in to rob the place or do any other illegal things - but it was still kind of daunting. I mean we weren't breaking right into the school, just into the parking lot so I could get the keys to my stupid apartment. I was rambling. I needed to stop rambling when I was nervous. Actually I didn't ramble out loud when I was nervous - more like internal head rambling.

'You think you're going in there alone?' he asked with a raised eyebrow. I love it when people raise their eyebrows - it's so cool. It took me ages to persuade my dad to- okay enough. Don't go thinking about them.

'Well, if the evil zombies come for me then I don't want them eating both of us because I need someone to tell everyone my last wish!' I exclaimed, coming back to reality and hitting his arm. It was kind of his fault that my own mind went off-topic, he deserved the pain.

He chuckled at me and shook his head slightly. 'And what is your last wish?' 

'For me to escape my death and return like a hero,' I replied proudly, shooting him a wink, approaching the fence and gripping the bars.

Bradley laughed again after my last statement. I examined the gate and he crept up behind me, grabbing my waist to frighten me.

Needless to say... it worked.

'AH!' I screeched loudly, jumping about a foot in the air. I would have turned and kicked his ass but his next words stopped me in my tracks.

'I don't think your last wish will come true if you were to fight off zombies,' he laughed.

'Okay, tubbo just shut up and give me a lift up so we can get this show on the road,' I said turning around in his grip and giving him a look. He frowned for a second before releasing me; muttering something under his breath which I couldn't quite hear.

He bent down and linked his hands together for me to put my foot into. I did just that, gripping his shoulder for balance as he pushed his hands up higher so I could reach the top of the fence. I grabbed hold of the metal bars and hauled myself over, dropping lightly to the other side with a smug expression on my face. I felt kind of like a ninja tonight. A moment later Bradley joined me and we stood still in the darkness.

'Um, it looks kind of scarier from this side of the fence,' I whispered to Bradley, sidling closer to him somewhat unwillingly.

There were only a couple of cars in the parking lot - one being mine. I wondered who the other one belonged to and I resisted the urge to grab onto Bradley's arm from nervousness. No time to be a wuss.

'I thought you were a pro zombie killer, Raegan,' he laughed quietly, tilting his head my way in acknowledgement.

'I think I need more practise,' I replied before straightening up and shaking off my child-like fears. 'Okay soldier, let's continue to battle. The enemy is waiting just over there,' I said in the same formal voice as before, gesturing towards where my car was.

'Lead the way, Captain,' he snorted, clearly not impressed by my leadership skills. Jerk.

I took in a breath before creeping forward slowly, glancing around occasionally. Seriously, if a zombie or serial killer did happen to make an appearence, I'd probably shove Bradley in the way and run as fast as I could.

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