A Month To Live (25)

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'So what exactly do you need?' Bradley asked, grabbing a shopping cart from the stack of them lined up. He pulled it out and swivelled it in the direction of the door.

'Everything,' I shrugged. 'Couple weeks worth of stuff,' I added.

'You're going to need a lot then,' he said, making his way to the automatic doors.

'Are you saying I eat a lot?' I asked. He rolled his eyes and didn't bother replying verbally as we made our way inside.

Bradley trailed around the store after me as I threw various things into the cart. I commented that he looked like a little kid following their mother around and he glared at me before attempting to ram me with the cart. He missed and nearly hit an elderly woman.

After much apologising I grinned at Bradley and said 'I think you're taking the term 'to hit on' a bit too far, hon.'

After a good forty-five minutes we arrived at the cereal aisle and I hit a dead end.

'Damnit,' I said, placing my hands on my hips and glaring up at the many boxes. 'How can I choose out of all of these?' I asked.

'The way I do it is to try a different one every week,' Bradley shrugged. 'I haven't tried this one before,' he added, pointing out a green box with pink splashes all over it.

'No wonder why,' I snorted. 'It looks like a children's playground.' I stretched up on my tiptoes but couldn't reach it. Who the hell even bothered installing shelves this high?

'Aw, is someone too short for the shelf?' Bradley teased from behind me.

'Shut up, before I run you over with the cart,' I snapped, managing to stretch up a tiny bit higher.

'Despite the lovely view this is giving me,' Bradley said with a laugh. 'I think I may have to step in.'

'Lovely view?' I repeated. He pushed me aside and snatched the box I was reaching for with ease and tossed it into the cart.

'Done?' he asked

'Think so,' I sighed. 'Checkout time.'

Bradley lugged the cart to the front of the store again and I leaned against it as we waited in the line.

'Whenever I'm with you, we always seem to be queueing up for something,' he muttered. 'I hate packing away shopping.'

'Food shopping sucks,' I said, watching an old lady counting out her change excruciatingly slowly . 'D'you have to do the shopping in your house?' I asked.

'Of course,' he laughed. 'D'you really think Remi or my dad would go and do the shopping?' he asked with a raised eyebrow.

'I guess not,' I said with a shrug. 'You spoil Remi y'know?'

'Do I?' he asked, frowning at me.

'Of course! You cook for her, clean for her, shop for her... she's got you on a leash! Didn't she call you just the other day because she wanted you to come home and make her dinner?' I asked. We moved forward a few paces.

He frowned more. 'I didn't even notice-'

'You're her bitch!' I laughed.

A passerby tutted at my language and I saw them shaking their head as they walked away.

'I'm not her bitch!' Bradley replied, enraged.

'You are! You basically carry her around on a pedestal.'

The person in front of us left and I smiled a hello to the cashier before turning to the cart and dumping things out onto the conveyer belt.

'A pedestal? If I were to carry anyone around on one of those-' he began but cut himself off. 'I am not a bitch and I never will be,' he said firmly.

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