A Month To Live (27)

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'So who won that bet last night?' I asked Bradley, curiously as I jumped in his car the following morning.

He'd gone home at about eleven and come back again before school to pick me up. We still had our detentions until Friday and we were going to another place tonight... which he still wasn't telling me about. The only information he'd given to me on it was the name. Crap I'd even forgotten that! Hmm... I was sure it began with an R.

'Well I'd like to say I did,' Bradley said with a sigh. 'But I believe the winner was you...'

'Yep, no-one ever beats me,' I smirked. 'So when do I get to drive this bad boy?' I added, patting the door.

'That was the lamest line I've ever heard.'

'Quit whining and answer the question!' I laughed.

'Hmm when no-one's around, don't want to give them any ideas,' he smiled.

'What was that place called that you said you were taking me tonight?' I asked nonchalantly.

'I know your game already,' he said, drumming on the steering wheel. 'I'm not telling you so that you can just run to Remi or George and interrogate them about it. I knew you'd forget,' he laughed.

I sighed dramatically.

'You're so annoying.'

'That's why you love me,' he winked.

'Sure, sure,' I mumbled.

As soon as we arrived at school and got out of the car, I was practically mauled by George. He wrapped his hand around my wrist and dragged me away, ignoring my protests.

'Urgent business, sorry to take her from you,' he said, flashing a tooth smile at Bradley before dragging me off further. 'Hey, you're surprisingly easy to kidnap.'

'You could say I'm used to it,' I said dryly. 'Okay, okay is this far enough? I don't want to go on a hike just so you can tell me something that most likely won't interest me in the slightest.'

'This will do. And this may not interest you but it interests me,' he said.

'Explain,' I said, putting my hands on my hips.

'There are two things actually,' he started. 'I'll tell you about my thing first.'

'Are you trying to stall or are you doing it without realising?' I asked.

'You know that thing I told you about when we were in the janitor's closet?' he asked. A few passers-by gave us odd looks.

'About me being "pregnant"?' I asked with a frown.

'No, no, no,' he shook his head. 'The er... other thing,' his cheeks tinted pink and I smirked as I realised what he meant.

'About you having the hots for Tara,' I said slowly.

'Okay, no need to rub it in. You have the hots for-'

'Shut up,' I hissed.

'I don't see why you can't just admit it,' he sighed. 'At least he likes you back.'

'I - no he doesn't and it doesn't matter anyway. It won't happen,' I said quickly.

'But it can easily happen,' George said, narrowing his eyes at me. 'You're not letting it happen though,' he murmured. 'I wonder why that is.' I gave him a pointed look and he continued. 'You need to slip in a good word for me here and there when Tara's around.'

'Okay,' I said. 'But that may be difficult seeing as if I compliment you all the time people will start thinking that I have the hots for you!'

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