On the Subject of Determination

63 3 1

It sucks.

Wait, no, I need a heading, just wait..

Essay topic: determination and its effects on a living being.

Student: Dust.

Teacher: Nightmare. Why do we need to do this? It's literally just you and us, Dad.

Date: I forgot. This isn't part of my grade, right? I won't forget the indentations this time!

  Determination is a drug. Despite the praise and glory that scientists from all across the multiverse give it, determination is a harmful substance that should be avoided at all costs. It is mind-altering, and it makes life a living hell for those who are unfortunate enough to come across it. In this essay, determination shall be broken down into three subjects of discussion: effects on humans and monsters, the addiction aspect, and the mentality change often associated with it.

  Determination has both different and similar effects on humans and monsters. For humans, it first allows their souls to persist after death, but it also allows them to sometimes reverse the passage of time and live life again, without anyone else's knowledge of their death. For monsters, it can allow them to actually remember these "resets," hampering any unlucky human's chances of continuing. However, these powers are not to be taken lightly, as they are joined by one common factor that determination brings upon anyone who holds it: the mindset of determination. Determination holders are often faced with choices, as anyone else, but their choices can have unsavory side effects; namely, they may never be able to stop fulfilling their goals. This is called the "addiction aspect."

  The addiction aspect is the one thing that binds all determination holders together. It affects humans and monsters alike, and it is the cause for much of the misery in the multiverse. As an example, a monster named Sans inherits determination from an unknown source, and he is faced with a choice. He chooses to brutally slaughter his entire home and everyone in it to stop a greater threat to them. He only wants to do this once, though. Once he is done, his world undergoes a reset due to a human's death. Although he already completed his goal of murder, he made the choice to do it in the first place, and his determination pushes him to do it again. A vicious cycle begins, and that is when one knows that the addiction aspect has affected him. It is very uncommon for anyone to escape the cycle alone, and outside help is often required. Unfortunately, very few beings in the multiverse treat the addiction aspect with the caution it deserves, and many are caught in cycles of their own whether resets are involved or not. Unfortunately, some grow to enjoy their cycles.

  While the addiction aspect is a struggle in and of itself, there is another aspect related to determination that more people are aware of, but tend to ignore: mentality changes. At first, victims of determination often struggle against their goals at some point in hopes of ending the cycle of whatever they have made the decision to do, and the determination reacts accordingly. It is not a helpful substance by any means; it seeks to help on the surface level, but when one  studies it deeper, it only seeks to control. Determination tends to react to resistance by manipulating chemicals in the body to create a euphoric feeling when one is completing what the determination works towards. When resistance is involved, victims tend to become depressed or feel that their lives lack any value or meaning. This causes a desire to return to the cycle and the euphoria, and it hinders anyone who is trying to help victims escape from whatever the determination is pushing them to do. 

  Unfortunately, the only viable theory of how one could potenitally escape the clutches of determination alone remains a theory. No one has successfully escaped using that method, although some have tried and are trying. That method involves victims taking control of and manipulating their own emotions to hinder determination's effect on them, but it is still a theory and will likely remain a theory in the years to come. If this method is ever confirmed to be useful, it may bring freedom and joy to many who are bound under the influence of determination.

  In conclusion, determination is a harmful drug that seeks to control its victims once a significant choice has been made in their lives. It works and strives toward this choice, eliminating resistance and regrets to do so. Victims rarely escape the stranglehold of determination, and only truly do so when someone knowledgable of determination and its effects is willing to help them over lengthy periods of time. Theorized methods are still unconfirmed to be actually potentially useful, and they will likely remain that way for a long time. Determination is harmful and causes nothing but suffering to its victims. 


Yes, I wrote a whole ~800 word essay for a headcanon.

I did not proofread this because I do not believe Dust would proofread an essy he wrote lol.

Grades are welcome and appreciated! ^v^

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