True Justice

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So. Undertale Yellow, Amirite?

Don't read this if you haven't played the game, nerds. Or do, I guess. Whatever you want. But just know that there will be spoilers. Like, major end of game spoilers.

I played it, I cried during pacifist, I enjoyed neutral, and then I found my baby: genocide.

This will be short I promise-

Why the heck does everyone think Ceroba's genocide fight is hard? I am absolute garbage at bullet hell games and I got the hang of it in an hour and a half. It's not that hard. You want to see hard? LOOK AT THE AXIS FIGHT IN GENOCIDE. LOOK AT IT. I beat Ceroba on normal difficulty but there was no way I was passing Axis without the power of easy mode. Man tossed me around the room like a ragdoll. Also Martlet. If you know, you know. And if you've done genocide, you know.

Ok rant about fights done.

Now, pacifist may be fulfilling (if you happen to like a certain fox lady's angst), and neutral is what I'd consider in my canon, but..genocide. Genocide's ending made me feel strangely just, in a weird way.

So I write.l

Also I'm sorry but I cannot see Clover as anything but a boy and will refer to them as such. My personal headcanon. Let me have it.

Ok there I'm done now you can enjoy the story.

Comments are welcome and appreciated!


It was done. 

Clover could feel the newly-deceased king's soul trembling inside his own, but he didn't pay any mind to it. This was necessary; he needed a monster's soul to cross the barrier. 

How did he know that?

It didn't matter, did it? He didn't think so. All he had to do now was progress. He stepped through the charred portion of the garden, not sparing a glance at the blackened flowers that had been caught in the way of his attack. He had had quite enough of plant life for one day. He left the throne room, making his way down a hall and turning a corner..through a doorway, and into..the barrier. The pulsing white amidst the natural darkness of the cave nearly blinded him, but he had a mission. He knew the souls were here; he didn't know how, but..he knew. They showed themselves to him promptly, and he let himself smile; this was what he had come down here for. The five missing children..they needed to be set free. They had all met horrible ends down here..they didn't deserve that. 

Maybe the monsters that were left would treat any fallen humans in the future with a little more respect instead of murdering them in cold blood and stuffing their essences in jars.

They were lucky their souls tended to break before someone could do that to them.

He opened the jars, and he let the souls out. They surrounded him, and he started to walk through the barrier; he would get them through safely. The souls seemed happy to be free; they had likely been trapped for so long that they had forgotten what freedom was like. Clover could feel the joy in the air. If this was what these children felt like after being freed, Clover couldn't imagine how much pain they had been through before this..the hopelessness and fear. He knew he would be afraid if the culmination of his being had been put in a jar in a hole in the floor for years on end, or even decades! If the Kingdom of Monsters was so full of love and magic, how could they do that to another being, let alone five! Let alone children! 

The farther into the Underground Clover had gotten, the clearer it had been; justice had to be served.

He had been attacked by the first little monster he had seen, and then he had been all-but abducted by a strange woman who had seemed bent on adopting him, as if he didn't have a family to return to! Falling down that hole had been a blessing in disguise, even if that annoying flower had been there. It felt good to finally be in control for once, not having to rely on anyone else to mark a spot in time for him. Of course, now, he didn't really need to use saves; he had what he was here for. He was glad the souls had been at the end of his journey; it would have been a pain to have to serve proper justice after getting them under his care. He couldn't imagine having to shield the poor helpless souls from all the attacks that had flown his way. This was better; justice had already been served, and now he had only to cross the barrier.

He had to admit that perhaps not all of his work had been entirely necessary, but..he had to become stronger to defeat Asgore. Besides, the robots wouldn't be missed, and that last one had given him a big boost he had needed to serve justice to the one who really deserved it. He wasn't sure how many of these souls had been taken personally by the king, but he could still feel the other's overwhelming guilt inside his soul; he hoped that wasn't permanent. As for the monsters, Clover wasn't stupid; all of them had been under Asgore's influence in one way or another - they wouldn't have attacked him if they were peaceful, after all. And he didn't kill the ones who didn't engage with him! He hadn't killed the mine worker in the elevator, and he hadn't chosen to end the little cups in Snowdin - only the ones who had fought him. Only the ones who would have killed him if he had let them. 

And a lot of them had killed him, hadn't they? 

Even the ones that had seemed harmless..they would have killed him. The bird had seemed harmless at first, too. They would have taken his soul to the king. He knew the ones that had managed to best him would have. Maybe they even had, if the flower had waited a bit to let Clover come back for another attempt. 

So..he had served justice. 

He had done what he had set out to do, and now he could go home. He could let the souls of his predecessors go free to do whatever they desired, and he could see his family again; they were probably worried sick about him. Clover didn't think he would miss the Underground. It was dark and full of beings that were distrustful and willing to kill if they were pushed just a little. 

Clover stepped out onto the mountain's exterior, his slow walk through the barrier ending, and he took a breath of fresh air. It smelled nice, the way air was supposed to be. He could tell the five souls around him enjoyed the view, and he felt..right. This was the way things were meant to be.

He had heard slight talk on his journey about how the monsters would get seven human souls and go free..what were they thinking? Clover considered himself to be rather understanding, but even he saw the problems with that; the monsters were hardly ready to come up to the surface and mingle with humans! Did they think the humans would just forgive them for murdering five children? Clover didn't think so. In a way, he was doing them a favor.

Maybe a few more centuries trapped under stone will do them some good.

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