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Teyong had came up with a plan after hearing the news and he was able to convince Donghyuck to go through with it since he'd be playing the biggest role in it. Donghyuck did know however it would take a little work to convince Taeil Into letting him go through this.

"So let me get this straight, you want me to let Haechan dance on the enemy?" Taeil asked and Taeyong nodded. Taeil looked at Donghyuck who was beside him . "Are you crazy? There's no way I'll allow you to dance on someone who could shoot you" Taeil said In disapproval.

"If we're being technical Haechan has danced on me and I could've shot him" mark shrugged. Collectively the people around the table said. "You danced on Mark?" Donghyuck just wanted to die in embarrassment. "Fuck you mark and yes it was the same night That thing happened with Choi and mark was just a client okay? Now that's besides the point hyung just let Me do this I'll be as safe as possible." Donghyuck said.

"He's right Taeil hyung I will of course have haechan with a gun on him for safety as well. You want Haechan safe then it's better to get this guy while we can because we'll never know when they'll catch on that we're protecting Haechan." Taeyong explained.

Taeil sighed and with a frown he nodded. Donghyuck smiled and hugged Taeil. "When is this happening?" Taeil asked. "This Friday and since you've said Haechan in the most famous dancer we will need You to announce its FullSun night. It should give Jun an even better reason to come if that's why he's even hanging around for." Mark explained and Taeil nodded.

"Okay guys we got 4 days to get this plan in action. "Jaehyun I need you to teach Haechan about a gun and mark teach him basic combat skills. You don't have to start right now but I'd like you to start some time today." Taeyong said and everyone nodded.

Donghyuck and Taeil were the first to exit but their voice echoed through the hall way to the exit. "Wait so I remember you said those hickeys weren't from Choi  so they were from Mark?!" Taeil exclaimed and Donghyuck quickly shushed him.

That caused the table to all look at mark. "What? I wanted to have fun, I didn't expect to have to protect him a week later nor did I expect him to be Taeil's brother. What's his story anyway, doyoung? I know you've known him since he was young." Mark asked.

"That's for him to tell mark and please just don't do anything to hurt him. He's already been through enough hurt in his life." Doyoung said before leaving and mark had a puzzled face on. "You know it takes a lot to make Doyoung upset so just keep what he said in mind." Johnny said and mark nodded.

Donghyuck had just shot a gun and he could feel the adrenaline in his veins. He had missed the target but still. "Okay so you pulled the trigger..how but now you aim For the target." Jaehyun smiled. "See you look so nice but you sound so mean." Donghyuck pouted.

Jaehyun couldn't help but laugh. "You are adorable" Jaehyun said and Donghyuck blushed and went to try to aim and this time when he shot he hit the arm. Donghyuck jumped up and down but quickly stopped when he noticed Jaehyun wasn't doing the same, instead he takes the high five that Jaehyun offered. Jaehyun decided this would be enough for today. He had already taught the younger how to unlock the safety and reload the gun. As well as shooting but he hope the younger would have to use none.

"We're done for the day, you can go ahead and go over to mark." Jaehyun instructed as he put away the guns and Donghyuck thanked him before going over to where the gym was. Mark was punching a punching bag and it was safe to say he look good with sweat glistening on his body. He quickly snapped out of it as he approached the older, mark stopped when he noticed the younger.

"You know you're a dick right?" Donghyuck said. "Why because I revealed you've danced on me or because you like mines?" Mark smirked. "I definitely don't like yours so the first one." Donghyuck smiled. Mark chuckled as he looked around to see if anyone was still around but to his luck it was just the two of them.

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