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Dino had been beat, they tried to get information out of him but Dino refused. "You will have to kill me." Dino gritted out making scoups click his teeth. "How can a traitor be so cocky." Scoups huffed. "I don't regret joining but I regret agreeing to your ways, you want to rape my brother!" Dino yelled. "You barely know him, your mother doesn't seem to care if I have my way with her son so why should you?" Scoups laughed as he motioned for someone to come out.

Just like that his vert own mother stood infront of him. Dino actually felt sick, hurt was an understatement. "You truly don't care for anyone but yourself."  Dino stated. "That's not true Chan. It's very unfortunate that you ended up choosing the wrong team I never wanted this for you." His mom came up to him and caressed his face.

"You're sick. You don't care about your kids! you're the one who resented them because their father loved his kids more. News flash you cheated what did you expect." Dino scoffed when he received a slap. "I'm your mother, you dare speak to me with such disrespect!" His mother yelled. "No you aren't my mother you're a monster, a real ugly one who didn't deserve the mother title." Dino Shook his head.

"Let's water board him a bit, im sure they'll be trying to contact us soon so get the camera ready." Scoups instructed before walking away.

He wasn't wrong after hearing the story Taeyong demanded to get their contacts, having his members go through other neutral grounds to find contacts. So mostly everyone in Nct was busy, every member preparing for what's to come.

However mark was a bit concerned for his lover. The first night he cried yeah but the next few days he spent nonstop training. Even when mark would deny helping him as he needed rest, he would go out of his way to find a member to help him. Mark knew he should speak to Taeyong, the brothers needed to talk they both were hurting yet didn't confine in each other.

Mark walked into the training room, he stopped in place seeing a knife by his head stuck in the door. "I got really good." Donghyuck smiled to himself. Mark was impressed and a little stunned but nevertheless walked to him. "Sunshine you've been here all morning let's go eat." Mark suggested but he shook his head. "I haven't got bullseye yet." Donghyuck said aiming for the target but mark grabbed his hand lowering the knife before he took it from him hold. "Minhyung." Donghyuck tested. "Donghyuck." Mark warned making the younger huff.

"Why are you doing this? It's not like you're going to be fighting so why." Mark asked. "I want to  fight mark, I want to help. Hyung put his life on the line for me! He could be dead because of me!" Donghyuck cried. "No." They heard a voice. "He isn't dead because of you and you're not fighting, I'm not losing anyone else." Taeyong spoke. "But Hyung-" donghyuck was cut off by Taeyong.

"It's not up for discussion Lee Donghyuck." Taeyong left without any other words. "I bet you're happy now." Donghyuck deadpanned at mark  but regretted when the older looked hurt. "Happy? Do I look fucking happy Donghyuck? Ive been stressing myself because I see you're hurting and when you're hurt it's like I can feel it and it makes me feel horrible. I've been trying to help you but you keep pushing me away, I'm your boyfriend Donghyuck I'm here because I fucking love you. I care about you so much that I'm disappointed with how you're acting." Mark was angry, Donghyuck never seen mark this angry. Mark said I love you for the first time and in the same breath said he was disappointed in him, which hurt.

"I'm disappointed because you know this isn't right, what you're doing, I know you scared for Dino but I haven't seen you eat a proper meal since the news. You know why Taeyong is not letting you fight? Everyone been seeing you train, they know you are capable but the minute you go to fight you'd drop fucking dead, because you aren't taking care of yourself. That's suicide in his eye and I agree with him."  Mark knew the younger was hurt by his words he could see how he looked like he was going to cry and even though he just wanted to apologize and hug him, he couldn't always do that, he's in a mafia now and mark as a leader has to show him right from wrong.

His Protector - Markhyuck Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora