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Renjun was in Dino's car. "I hope you're ready." Dino said as he pulled into seventeen's base. "Born ready." Renjun shrugged. They got out the car and immediately locked lips. They made it look like they couldn't control themselves as they reached the door Dino fumbled with the keys. They kept kissing until eventually they fell on the couch. Renjun on top of Dino. "Dino." A voice was heard. Dino pushed Renjun to the side. "Renjun can you wait in my room?. Up stairs and two rooms to the right.." Renjun nodded and left.

"Why would you bring someone to our base?" Scoups asked. "I love him hyung...he knows I'm in a mafia and he loves me for me." Dino said with a small smile but scoups remained cold. "How long have you been together. "Not that long but it's love at first sight. He's truly handsome and we get each other." Dino said a making the leader groan. "Whatever Dino just know he can't leave here." Scoups said leaving the room.

Dino went up the stairs to his room and saw Renjun on his phone. "Did you get in?" Dino asked and Renjun nodded. Showing Dino that he was in fact hacked into the cameras and even could hear what was going on. This would be a lot easier then they thought

Mark was in the gun range. If mark had to choose his favorite weapon then it was a gun. He loved taking and watching how a bullet pierce through his enemies. He loved the sound of a gun going off and liked being the one to pull the trigger. Whenever he had a weapon but mostly a gun in his hand he felt like he was in control.

Back when he was younger he didn't have much control in his life as his parents always held him to an expectation but at least they were there and loved him. He never was willingly gonna come out because he was too afraid of losing them. It was the matter of wrong place wrong time and mark knew it was his fault for being so careless.

That's why Donghyuck's comment hurt. Truth be told mark wanted to younger to have a relation with his mom that he lost growing up and even though he felt a certain way about her he never stopped the younger or anything. Mark is trained member of an mafia, though he and Donghyuck may have a complicated relationship he wasn't going to lie when talking to his superior. He was trusted with telling the truth and that's what he did.

Mark pulled the trigger.


Seeing the hole in the center of the papers head made him smirk. Mark went for another shot but when he pulled the trigger nothing came out. He realized he was out of bullets mark let out a sigh. "I already know you're here." Mark said turning around. "I know. I was waiting for you to turn around" Taeyong was leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. "What do you need?" Mark asked while reloading his gun then putting it in his pocket. "Tell me all that happened with my mom during the time I was gone." Taeyong knew better then to talk with mark about his parents , he knew the younger didn't like to talk about them and he knew how mark reacted angry. Taeyong felt bad that Donghyuck had said that to him as the the younger two were getting closer.

"Nothing much I suppose...at first I'd take Donghyuck to see her but I didn't like her and I felt like my presence was ruining their time so I switched with Jaehyun." Mark shrugged. "Alright then how'd she react when she heard the news about me." Taeyong asked.

"Many can argue people grieve differently but she cried but it was as if she lacked emotion, as if it was an act. I know these are big accusations with no evidence but it's how I feel." Mark shrugged. "You're right these are big accusations but  we can't rule anything out."

"Are we staying the night?" Mark asked and Taeyong nodded. "I'll be in my same room as always. Mark said leaving the older. The gun range wasn't in the house for safety reasons and so it's in the backyard. Mark came out of there and went into the house through the back door. Mark came face to face with Donghyuck who was at the dining table feeding kino.

His Protector - Markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now