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Taeil sat next to the younger, watching him sleep as he played with his hair. He was in the room for at least an hour before Donghyuck started to wake up. Donghyuck was surprised to see the older next to him and not mark. "Hyung?" Donghyuck questioned. "Yes it's me" Taeil smiled softly. "Are you okay Hyuck?"Taeil asked. Donghyuck suddenly remembered the events from earlier as he sat up. "Am I okay? Are you okay? You're my only only brother Taeil so don't think I'll replace you." Donghyuck said as tears threatened to fall. Taeil hugged the younger.

"I know Donghyuck don't worry I'm okay. But you just been reunited with your family Donghyuck I know you're not fine. Normally I would just leave and take you with me but these people are protecting you and care about your safety so you do know eventually you'll have to talk." Taeil said. "You sound like mark." Donghyuck frowned. "Funny enough mark was the one who changed my mind." Taeil chuckled.

"That boy really cares about  you Donghyuck." Taeil smiled. "He does, doesn't he?" Donghyuck said with a small smile. "I can't believe Doyoung knew the whole time." Donghyuck's smile slipped. "I'm completely shocked with that part and I understand why you're mad but he was doing what he thought you wanted even thought it doesn't make it right just think about it." Taeil said.

"I love you hyung and you'll always be my number one you know." Donghyuck said. "Same to you Hyuck." Taeil hummed. Suddenly the door of the room opened revealing mark. "How was the meeting?" Taeil asked. "Definitely eventful." Mark said letting out a stressful sigh. Taeil took it as his cue to leave. "I'll be going now, Johnny asked me to help with something." Taeil lied and kissed Donghyuck's forehead before leaving.

"You had meeting?" Donghyuck asked. And mark hummed as he went to sit next to Donghyuck. "Is my mom still here?" Donghyuck asked. "Yes she is....she actually has some intel that can help us with your situation." Mark said making Donghyuck frown. "So she'll be around for some time?" Donghyuck asked.
"Yes indeed, I actually have something to talk about in regards to your mother." Mark started and Donghyuck gave him his full attention.

"You have a half brother." Mark said after a moment of silence.

"I have a what?!" Taeyong yelled. "Lee Chan known as Dino of seventeen is your half brother from seventeen." Jaehyun repeated. Jaehyun had recited the story Taeyong's mother had said just as the mother had said. "She lied to us..she broke my dying father heart just because she felt guilty?! She needs to get out of this house!" Taeyong exclaimed. Jaehyun knew he was mad but they had bigger things to worry about.

"Taeyong I know you're mad but this is actually s big help for Donghyuck. She's already contacted Dino and now we're waiting on a response. If you can't do this then do it for Donghyuck." Jaehyun said and immediately Taeyong softened. "Okay fine." Taeyong said as he sat down on the couch in his office.  Jaehyun sat down next to the older. He pulled the older on to his lap.

"I know you're hurt babe but just think about how this is better for your brother." Jaehyun smiled while playing with Taeyong's waist. "My brother." Taeyong smiled softly. "I missed him so much Jae.."Taeyong mumbled and Jaehyun nodded. "I know hyung."

"Has anyone told Donghyuck about Dino? Taeyong asked. "Mark should be talking to him right about it I think" Jaehyun said. "That's good" Taeyong concluded.

"I have another older brother?" Donghyuck said more so to himself but mark still answered with a nod of his head. "That poor kid I mean that means he barely got to see our mom while my dad was alive...he must've been so confused. He deserved the time he got to spend with our mom." Donghyuck said.

Mark was shocked by the answer he had expect an angry response. "You're not mad?" Mark asked because he had told exactly the whole story he was told and Donghyuck only seemed to care about the kid. "I mean...my mom didn't cheat on my dad but she lied and for that I'm upset but I won't be upset by the fact I have another brother I can't control that." Donghyuck responded.

His Protector - Markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now