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Donghyuck woke up first. He was cuddled next to mark and he smiled. Donghyuck some how slipped out of marks hold as his need for the bathroom was calling him. He went to the bathroom. After he used the bathroom he heard voices coming from the living room. Donghyuck went and hid behind the couch as he listened.

"Why didn't you tell me Doyoung!" Donghyuck recognized Taeyong's voice. "He wanted nothing to do with you.." Doyoung mumbled. "I don't care Doyoung! You know how long I've been looking for him. Donghyuck is my brother and as soon as you knew that you should've told me!" Taeyong yelled. Donghyuck's eyes widened at the news he just heard.

"Taeyong you know I love you but Donghyuck he's just a kid I wanted to protect him. I wanted ito protect him from you." Doyoung frowned. The sentence right there broke Taeyong's heart, Doyoung knew Taeyong wouldn't hurt him because he was right. Taeyong is one of the biggest mafia bosses, Donghyuck shouldn't be around him. Even though he knew the younger was right it didn't mean it didn't hurt. Taeyong broke into a sob in his hands. "You're right Doyoung but fuck it hurts to hear it out loud." Taeyong cried.

Donghyuck who was angered that Doyoung knew who  his brother was about to retreat quietly when suddenly. "What are you doing down there?" He heard marks voice which alarmed the other two in room. Donghyuck popped up from his place with anger in his eyes as he stared at Doyoung. "Hyung? How could you?" Donghyuck's bottom lip quivered as he talked.

"I know I said I didn't want anything to do with but you could've at least gave me a heads fucking up, I shouldn't have to find out like this! I should've known the first second you found out! How is that you didn't tell no oone but at least mark had the heart to let Taeyong know?!" Donghyuck yelled with tears spilling out.

"How long did you know?" Donghyuck asked. "I don't remember...." Doyoung mumbled. "I'm not playing! How long did you fucking know?!" Donghyuck yelled. "When you um turned 16 you started letting us in and you showed us the family picture." Doyoung didn't even have to look Donghyuck in the eye to know he was  hurt.

"Donghyuck don't be mad he was protecting you from me" Taeyong jumped in. "I'm tired of this fucking protecting shit, I never asked for any of this and I'm done! I can't be here anymore!" Donghyuck yelled and went straight towards the door. When he opened the door he was faced by a older woman who's arms were tied together, Taeil and Johnny. Donghyuck's eyes widened as he recognized the person. Taeil however was too concerned with how Donghyuck looked like he had been crying. Still nothing could prepare anyone for when both donghyuck and Taeyong said "mom?" At the same time.

Taeil furrowed his eyebrows. "This lady is claiming to be your mom Taeyong but I guess it's true." Johnny said and ushered for Donghyuck to move out the way and let the three in. "Donghyuck.....is that you?" His mother said softly. "Just my fucking luck." Donghyuck scoffed as he wiped his tears. He turned away and went to marks room as jeno was probably in their room. he locked himself in the room and tears came out like waterfalls he hadn't even know mark who followed him was just outside the door.

The older knocked on the door. "Donghyuck? Can you open the door it's mark." Mark said and after a minute he heard the door unlock. Mark open the door and saw Donghyuck sitting back on his bed with his face buried in his hands and he heard sobs. Mark quickly went over to him after closing the door. He embraced the younger . "Hey hey hey... it's okay, it's gonna be okay." Mark reassured the younger.

While that was happening there was much more happening in the living room. "What are you doing here?" Taeyong questioned his mother. This was his first time since she lost her sons that they had met. "I came to see my son who made it big in the mafia game." His mother smiled cheekily. "I'm not gonna ask you again." Taeyong growled. "I heard you were beefing with seventeen. Though I don't know the reason I thought I could make it up to you by helping, I have a friend in the group and he may  not be afraid with getting dirty."His  mom explained.

His Protector - Markhyuck Where stories live. Discover now