Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
My name is Ellie Astor, and this is the story about how I became the wife of the most handsome man in the city. I am 21 years old; I work in the biggest hospital; I have light blonde hair with bright green eyes. The day I met him was no special day, I had just finished a surgery when a grieving mother barges into my office claiming I killed her son. I was used to this; her son had an incurable disease and there was nothing I could do. Since I was the doctor in charge of monitoring his health and trying to find a cure, she decided to use me to grieve. I searched and searched but I couldn't find a way to help him.
"Excuse me, but I tried all I could, and his death wasn't my fault, I deeply apologize"
I tried to explain that his disease is untreatable and that I tried my best.
"NO! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU DID!" The lady was screaming at the top of her lungs. I called security and asked them to take her out and let her cool down.
I told them that once she relaxed a little and came to her senses, she could come back in. They took her out and then I moved on to the next patient. I walk through the door with a professional smile hoping this patient is easier than the last one. Little did I know that the patient I was about to check would change my life forever.
"Sir please sign this, and I will begin the checkup." I really wanted to get this over with. I had been working since 3:00 in the morning since there was an emergency call from the hospital. Ok" said the man.
This man looked very handsome and very rich. He had dark black hair with deep blue eyes and was wearing a suit with a tie and everything. Of course, I must deal with many rich and arrogant man considering I usually work on VIP guests and important patients. I handed him the paper and a pen and asked him to sign twice where I pointed after reading it.
"Of course, I wouldn't sign something a stranger gave me without reading it." The rich man said with a confidant face.
I knew he would take whatever I said in a bad way, so I chuckled and spoke
"Really, sorry I just thought you were another brainless rich man here to look at the nurses."
I knew he wasn't that kind of man, but it was fun to tease him. The man looked at me like I had was his prey as well as a little surprise. It was as I thought he had never been spoken to like that before. His face looked like he wanted to throw me out the window.
"You really have a lot of guts saying that to me." He said while smirking at me.
I ignored him and asked "Excuse me, are you done? I need to get another nurse to help you since it is clear we do not get along."
He handed me the paper and said, "Yes I am done but I don't want another nurse." Sorry, but I don't want to be your doctor, how about I examine you today and you give the paper to another doctor then they can help you and I won't have to work with you."
I didn't want to examine him, but I didn't want to send him off to another doctor that would have trouble dealing with him. I walked over to the stand next to the door and started reading his paper.
"Mr. Felix Grand. Ok Mr. Grand now please lift your arms up above your head."
"Ok and I have a question." He spoke
I was about to say ok but then he cut me off and asked the question.
"Why did you become a doctor?" he asked with an interested face.
"I don't want to tell you." I said with a bothered face.
He didn't like my answer, I could tell by his face. I don't mind it when patients ask questions, but I didn't think he would ask that question. I became a doctor because my foster parents died, and I couldn't do anything. If we could afford the surgery, I would have done it, but we had a ruthless doctor and he wanted to be paid before the surgery. We didn't have the money, but I begged and said I would pay him the full amount after I had it, but he refused. My parents died that day and that is also the day I decided I would become a doctor who would help everyone I could.
"Stand up and touch your toes." I said, trying to change the subject and get this over with.
"Ok since you didn't answer that question how about. Did you become a doctor for money?" he said
"No!" I stated Fine then Do you like children?" he asked
"Yes, actually I don't have kids, but I love playing with them." I continued
[I seriously want to get this over with.]
"Ok you can sit down now all we have to do is check your heartbeat and answer some question then you can leave." I stated
"Ok Thank you."
I leaned in and put my stethoscope up to his heart listening to his heartbeat, it was beating abnormally slow for a grown man.
"Have you had any heart problems in the past?" I asked
"No" he replied
"Ok. Then I will go get a different doctor to treat you and give you a more accurate diagnosis." I spoke
"Can you not diagnose me?" he asked Of course, I could but I already said that I would get you a new doctor after the checkup." I stated
"If you can why don't you?"
I knew he wouldn't give up that easily. I had only known him for a little bit, but I knew he would be stubborn.
"Because we don't get along and I don't want to have my reputation tarnished by rumors or an accident." I stated
He looked at me like he was about to cry but I knew that it was just him pouting. The problem was I didn't know why he was pouting. We had only met half an hour ago and he had grown so childish I a matter of minutes.
"How about if I promise that I won't cause any trouble you stay and be my doctor, I'll even pay double."
[What is wrong with this guy. We don't know anything about each other, and he's willing to pay double just for me to be his doctor? I seriously think this guy needs some help.]
"Why would you do that?" I asked
He looked up at me and smiled and said, "It's a secret."
[A Secret! Is this guy serious!] I kept thinking he was crazy, and he was driving me crazy. He is taking up too much of my time. I have other patients and I don't want to deal with this right now.]
"Since you don't want to be my doctor why don't you go get your boss and ask him." he said
[Yes! This is perfect!] Luckily for me I was favored by my boss but what I didn't know was that he was favored more. I was incredibly happy and paged my boss asking him to come and help me sort out this mess. When he arrived, I was shocked he was talking to Felix so politely. He had never talked to me like that before, not even when I completed a surgical presager that had never been done before.
"Mr. Grand! What a surprise you should have told me you were here I would have checked you myself." My boss said
My boss's name is Vincent Ford, and he was my 2nd uncle. Unfortunately, he couldn't save my parents because he was a new Doctor and was not allowed in the surgical room back then. This was the first time he had become so nice and mannerly to anyone.
"Long time no see Doctor Ford I want this young lady to be my doctor every time I come here for a checkup, and she is the only one who can touch me." Felix said
Uncle Vincent looked at me with an "I'm sorry" look then turned back to Felix and said, "Of course I will arrange this right away." With a professional smile on his face
[What just who was this guy. How can he boss my boss around and say whatever he wants.]
"Thank you. Now Mrs. Nurse Would you mind telling me your name?"
Thank you, Kaitlyn Justise, for the help:]

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