Chapter 19

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They looked at each other then looked at me.

"Do you have a secret boyfriend who works there, because both me and Milo know you aren't going to visit your trash of a family."

"Actually, I need to drop off some lunch for my fiancé, he asked me to do it today because he has an important meeting and will be too busy to take the time of waiting for the delivery."

"Ellie, two things, one, that kind of excuse just means he wants to see you and misses you, two, since when did you have a fiancé?!" Milo screamed, having everyone in the building hear.

Both Milo and Alex stepped closer to me waiting for an answer.

"Well, here is what happened I, wait."

[Now that I think about it why did I married him, I didn't need to get engaged to him for protection. I could have just hired guards.]

"Actually, I kind of got engaged to him for my protection."

"Ellie, does this guy like you, like like like you?" Alex asked with a concerned face

"Huh? Felix? Like me?"

I fell into a brand-new world, when I imagined Felix and I being lovey-dovey and being a couple, my stomach had butterflies.

"Ummm........ This is just a fake engagement."

Milo and Alex stared at me with a "sure" type of face.

"Anyway, my shift is about over so can you wait in the lobby for me. I will end my shift and come down in a minute."

Both left and I went back to my office to grab my stuff and Felix's lunch. When we arrived at the company, Milo and Alex would not stop pestering me about meeting Felix. I had told them he works here but I didn't tell them he owned the company.

"Madam, welcome back, Felix is in the middle of a meeting I will inform him you are here, and he will be out shortly. Please wait in his office."

"Wow he must be a powerful employee if he has his own personal office." Milo stated

I giggled and replied with.

"I guess."

We sat down and about 2 minutes later Felix came through the door.


"Hey, are you ready for lunch?"

"Yes, are you?"

I looked over at Milo and Alex.

"Felix, I can't stay for lunch, I am going out with my friends from high school."

Felix looked at me with puppy eyes then turned to Milo and Alex calmly.

"Pardon me, allow me to introduce myself. I am Felix Grand, Fiancé of Ellie Astor." he said smiling at me

Alex looked at me then him then back again.

"Felix Grand? As in CEO, Felix Grand." Alex asked

Alex was surprised, Milo was confused but I just continued explaining to Felix that I would have lunch with them today.

"Felix, we will be going to May's Café to have lunch, I'll see you at home."

"Ok, see you at home, it was a pleasure meeting you, I will see you next time."

We left and went to the café. I was bombarded with questions as soon as we took our seats.

"How?" Milo asked

Milo had no idea who he was at first, but Alex explained it to her.

"How did you bag the most handsome and rich man in all time?" Milo asked again

"Well, Felix and I knew each other since childhood, but I had forgotten about him due to the time meeting him was when I was still with my foster parents. I met him before they died but not too soon before so when I witnessed their death I unconsciously forgot about the accident and him."

[At least I think.]

I continued, telling them everything. While talking I soon realized I really got engaged to him for a stupid reason. I don't know what to say, I'm sure I could have solved this in another way so why did I chose to be betrothed to a guy I can't remember. The more I questioned myself the more I started to think I had fallen in love with Felix. Time went by and the three of us went our separate ways. When I got home, I found Felix in his office looking upset.

*Knock Knock*

"Cain, not right now I am busy." He spoke in a frustrated voice

I barely opened the door.


He immediately stood up and opened the door inviting me in.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were Cain." he explained

"It's okay, I know you are busy, but you didn't look too great, so I wanted to ask if you are, okay?"

He smiled

"I'm fine, thank you"

I could tell he was very frustrated, and I was worried for him.

"Felix, why don't you come down for dinner?"

"Didn't you just eat with your friends?" he replied

"I did but I can eat more plus I'm sure watching you eat will make me hungry."

Felix and I both knew he normally doesn't eat till midnight, but I felt this was needed.

"Ok let's go."

At the dinner table I asked Felix

"What has you so frustrated?"

"My parents, they are constantly pestering me to bring you over to the main building of the family."

"Then let's go."

Felix looked at me with open eyes.

"Are you sure? I have been stalling because I thought you would be too nervous and not want to go."

"It's fine let's go."

Felix and I decided to visit after work tomorrow. The next day both of us started the day normally and Felix came to pick me up from work.

"What about this one?" I asked

"It's pretty."

"Just pretty?"

"Ellie, you have tried on over 20 outfits. There is no need for it, you looked gorgeous in everything you tried on."

I blushed then replied

"Felix, you do know I am going to formally meet your parents, right. I must look presentable, and we must look like we are in love. Your parents don't look like they are easy to fool."

"Don't worry and trust me I know better than anyone that lies don't work on them."

I decided to wear a long light blue knee dress with small heels. Felix wore a light blue button up with black dress pants and nice but not too nice dress shoes. On our way there me and Felix came up with a plan.

"Physical contact, we can have physical contact but don't touch too much, k"

"Ok, got it."

"Next, inside jokes, I know you remember all of the times when we were young, but I also need you to say inside jokes I can understand."

"No problem."

"Lastly, smile at me with love in your eyes." 

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