Chapter 13

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We sat there in silence; Felix was grinning while I was bright red. My aunt was smiling with happiness in her eyes. After dinner I hugged my aunt goodbye and left not even trying to say goodbye to my parents or cousins. On our way home I could feel Felix's eyes drilling into my head.

"What is it, Felix?" I asked with annoyance in my voice

"I love you" he said

I Flinched! I turned to Felix.

"Did you mean it?" he asked

I sat in silence. As I said nothing his face saddened, and it made my chest hurt because

"I don't know." I spoke very lightly

He had a confused face, like he didn't understand what I was saying

"I don't know if I love you or not."

His eyes started to grow happier

"So, you don't know if you love me or not. Which means you could be in love with me, and I just need to increase my chances." He spoke with a smile

I smiled back at him. I was happy. When we got home, we were welcomed by Cain standing at the door waiting.

"Welcome back, could I borrow you for a second Master, we need to discuss a very important issue."

"Ok I'm coming." he spoke

Felix pulled me by the waist and gave me a kiss on the forehead then left to go to his office. I went inside and took a shower then went to bed.

"Are you serious?! Why would she need to come here?" Felix yelled

Cain stood in silence. The rest of the night Felix never slept a wink because he was too worried about the upcoming visit.

The next morning everyone was running around preparing things for the visit that I still didn't know about. Me, being confused, I walked to Felix's office and knocked on the door.

"Cain, I told you to get the bedroom ready for Mya, what do you need?" He spoke

I walked in.

"Felix?" I spoke in a sleepy tone.

Felix looked up in surprise.

"What are you doing up?" he asked, "It is only 5:30, did the noise wake you up?"

"Yea, what's everyone doing?"

"We will be having a guest soon and she is not the easiest to handle, so we are moving the personal things and getting her room ready before she gets here. Also, I advise you to hide anything you don't want others to snoop through."

I was confused. Who could just show up and look through Felix's things, he is the richest man in the city after all.

"Who is coming to visit?" I asked with curiosity

He looked me straight in the eye.

"My little sister, Mya Grand." he spoke

I giggled. He looked at me confused.

"Felix, are you scared of your sister?" I asked trying to hold in my laughter

"No! She just does not listen, so I must prepare before she gets here."

I walked over to his desk and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched.

"Felix?" I asked

"Y-Yes?" he stuttered

Felix was always touching me, so it was time to pay him back.

"How old is your little sister?"


I shook my head.

[Ok! I can do it!]

I pulled my hand off Felix's shoulder and patted him on the head.

"Felix, we are going to have a lot of fun when your sister gets here." I spoke with a grin

When the car arrived, we had already got ready and me and Felix were waiting outside for her. The car stopped and the butler opened the door. A little girl stepped out with a tiny bag and cute blue dress. She had silver shiny hair with the same deep blue eyes as Felix.

"Brother!" She yelled, jumping into his arms.

Felix hugged her back while I stood in silence and disbelief. I could not believe that this cute little girl was Felix's little sister. She stepped out of Felix's arms and then looked at me.

"You must be Ellie, my brother's fiancé, it is very nice to meet you." she said with a big happy smile. 

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