Chapter 15

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"Of course, you two have a good time, Mya and I can have fun together at home, also I want grandchildren soon, bye- bye love you both." she said walking out the door. Once she finished her sentence, she and Mya were both gone.

"I don't even know what to say." I spoke

Felix grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear again.

"You know my mother will pressure us until she gets grandchildren."

I blushed then pushed him away.

"I'm tired I'm going to bed!" I yelled while running up the stairs.

Today was a very chaotic day and I was happy that it was over, but I was also sad. I knew I would never have a family like this after the engagement was broken off. The next day was quiet and calm, at least on my side it was but on Felix's side it was far from quiet. When I woke up, he was already working. I went to see him throughout the day, but he was always busy, and I couldn't see him until dinner. Felix didn't come down for dinner, so I insisted on taking his dinner up to him. I knocked on the office door and heard.

"Cain, didn't I tell you I was busy and to leave me alone!"

He was so loud, but I knew it wasn't directed towards me.

"Felix?' I said walking in

He looked up surprised

"Ellie? Why are you here?" he asked

"What do you mean "Why am I here?" I haven't seen you all day and you didn't come down for breakfast or dinner. I was worried and decided to come bring you something to eat." I spoke angrily

Felix looked very tired, and his office was extremely messy.

"Ok, thank you."

"Are you okay? You don't seem like you're okay." I stated

"I'm okay, I am just very busy."

I walked over to Felix and stood behind his chair. After I placed his dinner on his desk I started to play with his hair. Having your hair played with is very relaxing in my opinion. Felix relaxed in his chair. I played with his hair for about 15 minutes then he fell asleep. I walked back downstairs and asked Cain to help me move him to his bed, but he declined. With no idea what to do I decided to grab a blanket and place it on him. Everything went smoothly from there. No family visits happened, and Felix finished his work, everything was perfect until Allison had to ruin my day with her schemes. It was a normal peaceful day until I got to work. When I got there, she was sitting in my office chair and my office was totally trashed. I look up at Allison to see her smirking at me. I walked over to my desk and pushed her on the floor then sat down in my chair. Allison left and I was stuck with cleaning up my office.

"Ellie?" a voice said on the other side of the door.

The door opened and I realized it was my uncle Vince. I was a little disappointed, I wanted it to be Felix. Uncle Vince looks around to see my office trashed.

"What happened here?" he asked

"Allison happened here, I just got back, and she is already getting on my nerves." I spoke angerly

Uncle Vince helped me clean up my office and said he would have a talk with her, but she isn't someone he can offend due to her family's power. When I got home Felix was up in his office again, so I went up there to see him.

"Felix? Can I come in?" I asked after knocking on the door

"Of course." he replied

I opened the door to see Felix sitting on his desk holding a paper in his hand.

"Is there something you need?' he asked

I went over and sat next to him.

"No, not really I just had a hard day that's all." I said putting my head on his shoulder

He jumped off the desk and picked me up. After putting me on his shoulder he started to walk toward my bedroom. Felix dropped me on the bed and sat next to me.

"Get some rest then, you are probably really tired."

I rolled over and did what he said. Not because he told me to, I did it because he was right.

"Goodnight." I spoke sleepily

I was already asleep before he responded but, in my dreams, I heard him say

"Goodnight, I love you too."

The next day I woke up to a bang and ran to check what it was. When I got downstairs, I saw Felix, Mya, Mary, and a tall man with black hair and eyes just like Felix.

"Hello everyone, what's going on?" I said with confusion

"Ellie, it is so good to see you again." Mary spoke

Mya and Mary gave me a hug then the tall man spoke

"Hello Ellie, I am Frank Grand, Felix's father." 

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