Chapter 22

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He froze.


Felix cleared his throat and regained his composure.

"If I said I did, would you be happy?"

"I don't know. I keep dreaming of that horrible memory over and over and its torture."

"Ellie, I know this might sound a little bit much, but would you like to sleep with me?"

I looked at him confused then turned completely red. I knew he didn't mean it in that way, but it still didn't sound right.

"I mean, like in the same room- I mean you don't have to- I mean-"

I cut him off.


He stared blankly at me for a couple seconds before asking.


"Yeah, we are married, and I trust you." I replied slyly

I quickly left the room nervously and avoided him till later that night. I figured he wouldn't come till later because he always worked late. I started to get changed ready for bed until the door started to open.



I quickly grabbed my shirt trying to cover myself while Felix covered his eyes.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

He then walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

[Dang it! I can't believe that it just happened.]

While I panicked inside the room Felix was also panicking outside.

[(Felix) What just happened? Did I really just see that? She's going to hate me now.]

*Knock knock*

"Ellie, I'm really sorry."

I quickly got dressed and went to open the door.

"It's okay, I understand it was an accident."

We stood there awkwardly in the doorway for a couple minutes until.

"Come in!"


Entering the room Felix went to the bathroom and got changed. While he was in there I swiftly got in bed and covered myself in blankets.

"Ellie? What are you doing?"


"Nothing." I whispered quietly

Felix laid down and slowly grabbed the blanket off my head.

"Is it uncomfortable laying with me?"

Felix was a little sad but worried. I had a feeling that if I said yes, he would leave but I wasn't uncomfortable, if anything I was most comfortable when I was around Felix.

"No, honestly, I'm just a little nervous."

Hearing this Felix grabbed a pillow and placed it between us.

"Is this better?"

I could tell he was truly concerned for me, but I didn't want to have a wall between us. I grabbed the pillow and placed it at the end of the bed.

"It's okay, I don't need it."

Felix smiled then we both fell asleep comfortably.

[Is it morning?]

I slowly sat up in bed.


I looked over to find me in Felix's arms while he was fast asleep.


His eyes slowly began to open while I still sat in confusion.

"Ellie? Are you okay?" he asked, still half asleep

"Yeah but can you please move your arm so I can get up." I asked blushing and covering my face


He looks at me then at his arm then back at me.

"Ellie, did you do something while I was asleep?"

He spoke obviously teasing.

"Felix! Of course, I didn't it was probably you!"

He grabbed me and pulled me back down into the bed.

"Calm down, you know I would never do something to you without your consent."

"I know." 

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