Chapter 11

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Uncle Vince was shocked by the news, but he found a way to calm himself.

"When did this happen? Ellie are you sure you are ok marrying him?" he asked with a concerned voice.

"Don't worry we aren't going to get married; we are just engaged." I stated

Felix's grip tightened, it hurt. I didn't know why he was so mad; it was the truth.

"Felix?" I spoke

He flinched at my voice and let go of my hand.

"Is everything ok?" I asked

He shook his head saying nothing which was very unlike him, so I began to worry.

"Ellie are you sure about this?" Uncle Vince asked again

I didn't know why he was asking; I didn't know a lot of things, but I was soon about to find out. Felix was still silent.

"Yes, I trust Felix, I have to, he saved me twice."

Vincent looked at me with a worried face, but Felix was happy; at that moment, his ears and tail came out.

"Ellie, please be careful, being around him is dangerous." he whispered to me

I knew Felix heard him, so I decided to grab Felix's hand. When I did, he seemed happy, a little too happy.

"Uncle Vince, I know you are just looking out for me, but Felix isn't a bad person, he protects me and respects me. We must go; I will see you at the hospital."

Then I walked off with Felix still holding my hand. We got in the car and went home. When we got home Linda and Cain were waiting for us with a meal. Linda was such a good cook, so I dug right in and started eating. After eating Felix asked me to talk, I didn't know why but I was in a good mood so why not? We went to his office, and he shut the door. That caught me off guard.

"Ellie, do you mean what you said earlier?" he asked

"What do you mean?"

"When you said that you would never marry me." he stated

[I don't think that is what I said.]

"I never said that." I spoke

"Yes, you did! When we were talking to Doctor Vincent."

[Oh yeah! I said we weren't getting married, but I didn't say I would NEVER marry him. If I am honest, he is a perfect husband candidate. What am I thinking? He is just a childhood friend I can't remember.]

While I was off in wonderland Felix was still standing there with an upset expression and an attitude.

"Ellie, are you listening?" Felix asked


I had finally woken up from my daydream and come to reality.

"Oh yes, sorry, and I never said I would never marry you, I just said I wouldn't marry right now."

He looked at me a little shocked then he smiled. I turned 5 shades of red.

"I mean- I just- Forget it!" I yelled

I ran to the door and slammed it in his face. Running to my room I couldn't get his face out of my head. His deep dark blue eyes, with his big smile that could take over Los Angeles. The next morning, I woke up to a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said with a sleepy voice

"Ellie, it is Felix, you have about 15 minutes before your mother calls asking why we didn't visit."

I jumped out of bed and opened the door.

"What are you talking about? I didn't make any plans with my mother."

"I know" he stated "I did"


I was so shocked. Why would he do such a thing when he knew I didn't like my mother? I slammed the door in his face again and started getting ready. To go to my parents' house, I decided to wear a small white skirt with a plain white top. After getting my clothes on I put my hair in a decent bun and headed downstairs. Felix handed me a plate with noodles on it, it was my favorite too. I had only mentioned it once, but he remembered. Felix has one of the best memories, he even remembers all the stuff I said when we were little, I don't remember anything, that is why I didn't recognize him. I finished my noodles and went to the car. My fiancé said he would drive us there to make a good impression and to let them know he takes care of me. I didn't care what they thought but he did very much at that. Felix wanted to wear a suit, but I made him change into a nice white T-shirt and some jeans with a black jacket. When we arrived, Felix came and opened the door for me while helping me step out. The only reason I was letting him pamper me was because it made my mother furious to see me get special treatment when she wasn't.

"Thank you, Felix." I spoke

"It is my pleasure, sweetheart."  

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