Chapter 17

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She grabbed my arm and pulled me outside. Then she slammed the door locking me outside. I banged on the door, but no one answered. I called Felix and told him everything. He didn't sound very happy, but he did know who she was. I was worried and scared. I ran over to the back door and Linda let me in.

"Where is that woman!" I yelled furiously

I ran round the house, finding her in Felix's office. She looked at me shocked.

"What are you doing back here? Get out!" she yelled

I went up to Felix's desk and sat down.

"Mrs., please state your name to the Madam of this estate." I spoke sophisticatedly

She was livid, she stood up about to hit me from across the desk until the door slammed open. It was Felix.

"Felix? I missed you!" she shouted hugging him

Felix gently pushed her back and came to me.

"Mel, what are you doing here?" he asked upset

"I came to see my lover, can I not?" she explained

Felix was furious, he grabbed my hand and spoke.

"Of course, you can but no one here is your lover, I am engaged to Ellie Astor and no one else."

She started crying.

"Felix? How could you say that?!" she screamed

"Mel, I think you should leave" he spoke calmly

She ran out of the room and left. I was a little shocked but also confused.

"Who was she and what just happened?" I asked

"That was the daughter of my dad's friend, my dad was going to have me marry her if I didn't fall in love soon. Plus, she kept following me around because she has a crush on me." he explained

I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent until Felix grabbed my other hand.

"I'm sorry Ellie, I know that must have annoyed you." he spoke softly

I could see his puppy ears and his fluffy tail.

"It's fine Felix, after we got engaged, I expected stuff like this to happen." I spoke

I knew this would happen; I mean just looking at his face makes me want to truly marry him but fortunately I can resist. Felix hugged me.

"I have to get back to work, I will call you when I am getting off." he said after letting me go

I was about to say goodbye until I remembered, I still have work too. I grabbed Felix's arm and asked.

"Hey, can you drop me off at work, I really don't want to be late."

Felix seemed happy, he nodded then we went to the hospital. I tried to tell Felix not to come in, but it was futile. We walked in and everyone stared at us. I was so embarrassed and nervous. When we got to my office, I wished Felix safe travels while trying to push him out the door.

"Ellie, let me stay a little longer." he whined

"No, you have to go to work." I said sternly

I was still trying to push him out the door until he grabbed my hand and pulled me close. I turned red, I tried to cover my face, but he still noticed.

"Ellie? Are you blushing?" he spoke smirking

I was so embarrassed, but I couldn't give in.

"No, it is just hot, and your body heat doesn't help, so let go."

He didn't. Instead, he pulled me closer into a hug. I had no strength and couldn't push him away. Suddenly we heard a BANG! Felix and I jumped then turned to the door. We see Allison standing in the doorway, holding a few photos in her hand.

"Mr. Grand? I didn't know you would be here, but I guess you should know as well." she spoke with fake tears in her eyes.

She walks over to us handing me the pictures. Both Felix and I look at the pictures to see me in the picture kissing a stranger. I was shocked, I look over at Allsion to see her smirking. I quickly turned to Felix; he did not look happy.

"Allison!" Felix spoke

"Yes, Mr. Grand?" she replied grinning at me.

I was scared and worried. Would he believe her? Is he going to leave me? All these thoughts came rushing in my head until Felix spoke again.

"Mrs. Allsion, please leave, I would like to talk to my fiancé alone."

My stomach sank. Allsion left the room and dead silence filled the air.

"Ellie." he spoke lightly

"Y-Yes!" I stuttered

"I love you." 

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