Chapter 23

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Felix and I got up and I went to my room to get ready.

"Good morning, would you like me to start a warm bath to subdue the soreness?"

[huh? What soreness?]

"Linda, what are you talking about? What soreness?" I asked

"Oh! I'm sorry you spent the night with master, I thought you would be sore after."

I blushed uncontrollably.

"I'm fine. Please leave so I can get dressed."


[So embarrassing!]

I cover my face and head down stair to eat breakfast. When I got there, Felix was standing next to the table waiting.

"Felix? What are you doing?" I asked

"I'm waiting for you."

Confused, I sat down and began eating. Felix sat next to me.

"There is actually something I need to talk about with you."

I began eating, waiting for him to speak but he didn't say anything.

"What's wrong Felix?"

He sat silent for a second then answered.

"Today I am going to attend a party and I was hoping you would go with me."

"Sure. I never really go out other than work so this might be good for me."

Felix smiled and we continued eating. Once we were done Felix dragged me to his bedroom.

"Sit" he said

I sat waiting for Felix to tell me what was going on. He walked over to the door and left. I was left sitting there not knowing anything. After time passed, I was starting to get annoyed and decided to stand up. I was about to start walking to the door until it opened, and Felix came in with a big box. He walked over and handed it to me.

"Here Ellie, this is for you." he said, handing me the box.

I was hesitant at first but then I opened it. There was a White knee long dress, it had a long cape and silvered diamond heels. Inside the box next to the dress was another smaller box and a card. First, I opened the small box and there was a thin silver necklace that had tiny butterflies on it and next to it were cute butterfly earrings. I was shocked. It was all so beautiful, and I knew it was extremely expensive. I looked at Felix.

"Felix, are you really giving me these?"

He smiled.

"Of course, you are my wife, and I was waiting for a reason to give it to you and now here it is."

I stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks Felix!"

He stood for a second and then hugged me back. We hugged for a minute but then it became awkward so we both pulled apart.

"Anyways," he said, "This is for you, I was hoping you would wear it to the party."

I smiled at him then replied

"I defiantly will."

Felix left he still had to go to work, but I didn't, Felix called me in for leave; I bet Uncle Vince is probably real upset that I don't show up to work but too scared to tell that to Felix. Time passed and I spent that time getting ready for the party. As soon as Felix got home, he was gone to get dressed or we would be late. I thought he was going to make us late, but I was still getting ready too. I'm standing there trying to zip up my dress with no idea Felix is home. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Linda, could you come help me, I can't zip up my dress!"

Linda walks in and zips up my dress.

"Thank you, Linda, I was really struggling."

When I turn around, I see not Linda but Felix.

"Hey." he said in a shy voice


I turned around and hid my face in my hands before grabbing Felixs arm about to shove him out of the bedroom.

"I'm sorry you were struggling so I decided to help, I didn't mean to make you angry or uncomfortable!" he pleaded

"I wasn't uncomfortable, I just didn't want you to see me till I was ready, until I was pretty. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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