Chapter 3

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Opening my door came my Biological Mother and her half-blood son. My dad thinks he is his son, but I know he isn't, I did a DNA test because I saw her with another man and my mother is a little crazy, so I could easily believe it. My Biological Mothers name is Jennifer, and my brother's name is Jayden.

"Ellie Astor, how could you spend so much money from the family's account!" Yelled my mother."

"I don't know what you mean. I didn't spend any money from the family's account." I spoke

I knew that she was trying to set me up. She hates me since I look like my father. Father always listens to her, fortunately he gives no punishment without proof and just gives a warning.

"Don't act dumb I know you did. See it says that 10,000 was drawn and it has your signature. " She yelled

I sighed and looked at Felix telling him to help me. I don't know why I needed his help but the only person who could help me was him or uncle. Since uncle was not here, he was my only choice.

"Doctor, I need your help. My chest is continuously hurting could you please take a look?" Felix spoke

My Moms mouth almost dropped when she saw Felix the CEO of the Grand company. Felix had been here the whole time she just would not stop screaming at me long enough to look around and see if anyone else was in the room. My brother stood there confused, he had never met Felix and thought he was the most powerful man in the world behind dad of course. He always listened to what mother told him, no matter what it was.

"Hello? Who are you?" asked Felix

Even though he knew exactly who they were, he was an exceptionally good actor, only I knew he was faking his confusion.

"Ellie who are they?" he asked again

I was so confused as to what he was going to do. He was unpredictable and always left me with questions.

I replied with "This is my mother and her son, my brother."

"Oh my, Mr. Grand it is very nice to formally meet you I am Jennifer Loxu0 s, and this is my son Jayden Loxus."

Felix was not happy, so he ignored them and turned to me.

"Ellie, I need you to check my heart. It is bringing me pain." He stated

My mom was furious. I thought she was going to yell at me while trying to throw me out the window, but to my surprise she managed to hold herself back.

"Ok. Go ahead and sit down in our private room and I will be there in a second." I spoke.

He grabbed my waist, I flinched then he whispered in my ear. "Are you sure?" he asked

"Yeah, she won't give up even though you are here but thanks for trying." I spoke

My mother watched as he walked in a door that had a private room connected to my office. Once he was gone Jennifer looked at me and yelled

"Why didn't you tell me you knew Felix Grand. How do you know him?"

"My boss made him my private patient." I stated

I knew that Jennifer had an evil plan running around in her brain. I told her to leave and that I had to finish my check-up with Felix. She yelled at me and spoke.

"Who are you to tell me what to do!"

"I am Doctor Ellie Astor, and this is my Private office and I need you to leave so I can finish my work. I will visit you at the house after work."

"Fine! But invite Mr. Grand to dinner we need to win his favor."

She was so annoying, so I just agreed and asked her to leave. She did this time, and I went into the exam room with Felix. He looked at me with anticipation.

"What? Do you want me to praise you?" I asked

He nodded his head with a "praise me" smile on his face.

"Fine! Thank you. You did good."

He was a little cute. During this moment, my imagination went too far, and I started seeing a tail wagging and some dog ears pointing up. I giggled and he looked at me with a confused face that made it worse, I was having too much fun watching him.

"What are you going to do?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked back

"Why haven't you invited me to dinner yet?"

This little puppy had been listening in on our conversation. Well, everyone probably heard us even if they didn't want to. She was practically screaming.

"I take back my praise little puppy." I spoke

At first, he was confused at why I was calling him little puppy then he was pouting again. He was driving me crazy!

"I have a reason I heard my name and I think I deserve to listen if you are talking about me." he stated

I said whatever and got my stethoscope to put it against his chest. I started listening to his heartbeat, it was still terribly slow, too slow. Out of nowhere he started breathing very heavily and I tried to get him to calm down, he couldn't stop it.

"Calm down! Felix!" 

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