Chapter 10

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Their faces were full of shock, it was kind of funny.

"Wha- What?" My father stuttered

"Oh? Did she not tell you? I asked her to marry me, and she said yes"

Felix came over to me and grabbed my hand.

"It is a pleasure to formally meet my in-laws." he spoke

Everyone was silent for a second until mother spoke.

"Ellie, why didn't you tell us. I'm so happy for you."

I knew she was lying but it's not like I cared. I tried to stand up, but my legs were asleep fortunately just before I fell Felix pulled me up, he'd had put his hand on my waist for support

"Be careful." he said in a soft tone

I'll say this again, he is too handsome for both my health and every other girl.

"Ok" I spoke

"Ellie needs to get her rest, can you come another time?" Felix asked

My parents looked at me, I knew what they wanted but I didn't care.

"Excuse me? In-Laws?"

"Of course! Ellie needs her rest. I will leave her in your hands Felix." My mother spoke

She didn't mean it, but she couldn't go against Felix. Mother was looking at me, so I pretended to tumble, and Felix caught me still holding my waist. I smirked. Then they left, I wasn't surprised my father barely said anything and that Jayden said nothing because he just listened to Jennifer.

"Felix you can let go of me now." I spoke

"Oh really? Are you sure you won't plummet to the ground if I let you go."

He had a big grin on his face. I pushed him away and ended up slipping on my gown. I started to fall backwards but Felix had caught me by the waist again.

[Why does he always grab just my waist?]

"Ellie are you okay? I don't think I should let you go, or you might get injured."

I was so embarrassed, so I grabbed Felix's shoulder and stood up. Looking him in the eye wasn't an option. While covering my face, I flopped under my blanket and said nothing. Felix started patting my back and spoke.

"Are you ready to go home?" he asked

"Felix, the doctors don't even know I am awake."

"Right, I'll go get someone."

Then he walked off. He got a doctor, and I was discharged. On our way out my uncle confronted us.

"Ellie are you okay? Sorry, I was away on a business trip and.... Mr. Grand? What are you doing here?" Uncle Vince asked

"My fiancé had an accident. I came to pick her up and take her home." Felix stated

"Ok? Ellie, I am here, come on, I will take you home."

I took a step forward, but Felix grabbed my hand.

"Sorry Doctor but as I stated I am taking my fiancé home so you can go back."

Uncle Vince looked confused until he realized what Felix had meant.

"You- El- wait, What!"

"Uncle please calm down."

"Ellie is this true?" he asked

"Yes, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes."

[Well, that's sort of how it went.]

"Ellie, why didn't you tell me? Do your parents know about this?"

"Yeah, they just found out."

"What?" he yelled 

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