Chapter 4

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He looked at me holding his shoulder.

"Mr. Grand what happened?" I asked

After I asked that his eyes saddened.

"Why did you call me that?" he asked

I was so confused I did not know what he meant then it hit me. I had called him by his first name, but I did not mean to.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you by your first name."

He looked shocked and then he started to look mad. He turned his head and started ignoring me. Sometimes this guy was such a child. I couldn't believe he was a CEO who was known as cold and cruel. Even though he was known as cold and cruel his looks made up for it and sometimes when I look at him, I had to agree.

"What's wrong?" I asked

He looked at me pouting still and spoke

"Why are you calling me by my last name?"

[What? We have known each other for two days and he wants me to call him by his first name?]

"Mr. Grand you are my patient. I do not know you that well." I stated

He looked sad while I was getting irritated at his childish behavior. He looked up with a smile and spoke

"Then how about I come to your family place for dinner tonight then I can invite you to my place, after that we will know each other, and you can call me Felix."

With the biggest smile on his face, I was just stunned that a CEO could be so dumb. I knew he was not going to give in, so I gave up and agreed. I was not planning to invite him to dinner, but he invited himself so whatever. Just as I finished the check-up another nightmare slammed open my door.

"Ellie! Come out!" yelled a female voice

As soon as I heard the voice, I knew who it was, Allison. I could not let her know Felix was here, so I told Felix to stay in here and walked out of the room into my office.

"Yes?" I spoke

"How dare you slap me in front of everyone!" she shouted

"You deserved it." I spoke

She looked furious.

"I will kill you!" she screamed

She grabbed my hair and started jerking at it. I could not do anything because attacking her could get me fired. Yes, my uncle is the boss, but he still follows the rules.

"Let go!" I screamed

Suddenly the examination room door slammed open, and Felix came out with a worried face. I gave up on rules since I could tell Felix was about to get involved and I punched her in the stomach. I ran to Felix, he grabbed me, hugged me then glared at Allison.

"Felix Grand?!" she yelled "What are you doing here?"

Felix ignored her and checked to see if I was ok. He was super warm and smelled so nice. I looked at Allison, her look was priceless. I thought she was going to pop a blood vessel.

"Leave!" Felix said

I had never seen Felix look so mean and serious. He looked a little scary from my point of view. He looked at me and asked

"Ellie, are you ok?"

He was back to being cute and sweet. I thought he was just angry that Allison had hurt me, but I did not know why.

"Umm. Uhm... Mr. Grand, I am sorry she attacked me first, and I just did it in self-defense." Allison cried

Man was she a good actor, if she were not a doctor she could be on the big screen. Of course, I knew Felix was not going to listen to her. Since he listened to me and mom, I knew he would do it again. He just doesn't do what you tell him at all. Felix stared at her like he wanted her dead. I looked at Felix trying to get him to let me go but he just held on tighter. Secretly I had paged my uncle with an emergency page when she walked in screaming.

"Felix? Please believe me." she said falling to the floor

That made Felix snap. He was so mad she had called him by his first name. Luckily uncle came in and dragged Allsion away, the whole time Felix would not let go of me and he kept worrying and asking if I was ok. I was a little surprised at how differently he acted when mad at someone else other than me. Anyway, she was suspended for a month, she should have been fired but since I was the one who hit her first, I was only allowed to work with Felix since he was VIP.

"Ellie let me drive you home." Felix asked

I politely said he did not have to, but he insisted, and I already knew I would not be able to win against him, so he ended up taking me home. On the way there I was so tired. Today was crazy.

"Are you sleepy?" Felix asked

Sometimes I thought he could read my mind.

"Just a little I will be fine" I stated

Then he grabbed my head and pushed me down on his lap while the driver was silent. I tried to resist but he was too strong, and I ended up falling asleep the rest of the ride home. 

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