Chapter 16

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I was shocked but then not that shocked, they looked so much alike. Felix is 22 and his father is 44 but he didn't look that old. Mary was 43 but she looked so young as well. They were like a perfect couple with perfect children.

"Handsome." I spoke

After realizing what I just said I covered my mouth while Felix, Mary, Mya, and Frank start laughing.

"I'm sorry." I said red from embarrassment

"It's ok, I am happy my daughter-in-law thinks I am handsome. I thought I lost my looks after I grew old, but I guess not." he spoke

"Dear, I have told you so many times you are just as handsome as when you were younger." Mary said while grabbing his arm

"Yeah, I know, but I can't believe anything you say due to the way we met."

Mary giggled

"Guy's today is not the day we hear your story, today is about Ellie meeting you, father." Felix spoke out

They both apologized and we decided to have dinner together. Linda started fixing dinner while me, Felix, and his family sat in the living room. We sat silently, there was an awkward feeling in all of us, at least that was what I thought until Mary broke the tension between the rest of us.

"Ellie, what do you do?" she asked

"I am a doctor at the Fords Hospital." I replied

"Oh my, a doctor? You must have had the best education."

That is what most people would think but they were wrong. I wasn't allowed to go to a good school when I was little due to my foster parents being poor and my mom made sure I didn't go to the same school as Jayden so they put me in the worst public school she could find. She tricked my dad into saying it was an incredible school and I couldn't go to Jayden's school because he would be embarrassed if we were always going home together since I am a girl. I was mad at first, but I ended up making two incredible friends. Also, since I had the best grades, I was offered a scholarship to an amazing college. Then I went abroad to become a doctor and achieved my goal. As I sat next to Felix thinking about all the horrible things that had happened because of my mother, Felix began to worry.

"Ellie, are you ok?" he spoke laying his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine just thinking about the past." I stuttered

When dinner was ready, we had Goat cheese, Wagyu beef, vegetables, etc. Throughout the dinner we chatted and had an ok time but after the dinner I was beyond tired. After everyone left, I flopped on the living room couch.

"Ellie? Are you ok?" Felix asked standing above me

"Felix, you are nothing like your family, well maybe your looks but other than that you are way more calm and far more cautious than them." I stated

"Ellie, they were only so laid back because you are my fiancé, they aren't that nice to everyone you know."

I flew up accidentally hitting Felix's head with mine.

"Does that mean they don't actually like me they were just being nice because I am your fiancé?"

Worried, I walk over to Felix

"Why are you only telling me this now?" I said franticly

"Ellie that's not what I meant; they do like you more than you think." he said, grabbing my hand

I relaxed a little and sat on the couch, Felix sat next to me.

"Felix, you are very misleading." I stated

He wasn't surprised. Every woman he ran into misunderstood him and thought he was hitting on them, so he stopped talking to woman in all unless he had to. The next morning, I was getting ready for work until I heard a knock on the door. When I went down to open the door, I see a beautiful woman standing outside.

"Hello, is Felix home?" she asked

"Sorry but he isn't here, may I know who you are?"

I had no idea who she was and thought maybe she was Felix's friend but....

"Excuse me? I am Felix's betrothed."

I was shocked and confused.

"Hello? Didn't you hear me? That means move." she spoke

I didn't move.

"Sorry but I am Felix's fiancé so I can't let you in. Please tell me your name and I will ask Felix to get back to you."

She turned red with anger. 

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