Record store madness

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Chapter One

"Oh my goodness, what in the world is going on?" I heard my mother asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

Today was Saturday—me and my mother always went into town on Saturday. I looked forward to it each week, because that meant I would be able to get a new book and a new record. My Father owned an record player and I used it just about everyday. He was a jazz lover and I found my self following his footprints. It was never busy at Casey's, even on a Saturday. Yet, somehow the line was wrapped around the building. I groaned in frustration. All I wanted was to get my John Coltrane album and head back to the house and play it. Judging the line, it was going to be awhile before I had a chance to do that.

I scrunched my eyes and placed my right hand over my brows as a shield to the bright sun. It was a hot day and the sun wasn't showing any of us mercy. I shifted my weight to the other leg and sighed.

"Mama, maybe we should just come back later today or possibly tomorrow". I said to her. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand. Her medium deep golden sun kissed skin glistening from slight perspiration and sighed.

" I don't know honey. I'm not really looking to come into town tomorrow. I'm not even sure that we will be able to. Your grandmother needs my help tomorrow".

I blew a frustrated sigh. I completely forgot that the whole reason we were even staying in town was because of Grandma Jadie. A small smile followed that sigh. It always did when I thought about Sadie Jean McCoy. My grandma had a heart as big as the Lone Star State,but it would be in anyone's best interest to not cross her. She was at times a feisty ole gal and she didn't take kindly to anyone messing her herself, friends or her family—especially not her one and only amazing granddaughter Kelcie—that's me by the way.

"What Jadie Sade, got you doing for her now mama?". I asked smiling bright.

My mother smiled down at me. Identical to mine and pushed her Auburn hair back out of her face. "I always thought you would grow out of calling her Jadie, it's still cute that you do though".
I playfully rolled my eyes. No one allows me to live that down. At one and half year old, Sadie wasn't the easiest thing to say, but somehow Jadie was and I don't quite understand it myself but it stuck, and she's been Grandma Jadie ever since, sometimes I like to call her Jadie Sade, she isn't a fan of that one, but she loves me too much to stop me. Perks of being the only grandchild.

"I'm not sure what mama wants me to do, but I'll find out later". I just nodded my head.

The line finally began to move and I got irritated all over again and although she gave me my answer , I couldn't help but to ask again. "Mama, are you sure there's no way we can come back?".

She put her hand on her hip and looked from the line of people in front and behind us, then back to me. "Oh sweet pea, I'm sure. The line seems to be only getting longer and I'm not leaving just to wait back in it". I pressed my lips together and rolled my neck. I wasn't asking again.

"Well what in this terrible world are we waiting for anyways. I mean- no one else comes to Casey's any other Saturday, what's so important about this one".

A girl with long blonde and black box braids said one word as if that meant anything to me" Migos ". A look of confusion immediately took over my mothers features.

"It's a rap group mama". I said nonchalantly

"I figured that"She nodded her head toward the girls cd.

"The best rap group there is. Migos are super hot and super fine". She said in a dream like voice. I cringed just a little bit. I wasn't fascinated with anyone other than Michael Jackson and no one held a candle to that man. Pure Musical Genius.

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