Sweet Home Montana

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Author's Note: As you can see from the title Kelcie is heading back in the Big Tana lol. I am slowly moving Kelcie and Take into "Domestic Life" and with domestic life, comes real life problems. So enjoy this chapter before it gets real for our two love birds. Happy Sunday ♥️
P.s: Let me know what you think. Love you guys.

Chapter 17

"Come on, I just need to get grab a few more things" I turned the key to unlock the door to my mothers house, I led the way as Take followed behind me. Other than the last few items that I needed to get from here. I was just about packed up to head back home, tonight. I placed my purse on the walkway shelf and headed upstairs to my old room.

"OH MY GOSH!", I know I must look like a bat out of hell, while flying down the stairs. I just wish that I could unsee EVERYTHING, that I just witnessed

"What?! What happened?!"  Take was coming as equally fast up the stairs. I stopped him where he was and turned him around to walk back down.

"What happened?" Take asked me again "You good?",

"I just rather not say", I started pacing, trying to erase the memory of my mother having a very intimate moment with her boyfriend out of my head.

"Babe. Babe" Take took me by the shoulders "You over there talking to yourself and acting weird, whatsup?",

I couldn't explain to him what I just saw, so I choose to sit on the couch, I rested my hands in my hair and tried to willed the image out of my mind.

"Kelcie" I looked up, when I heard my mothers voice. I looked like a child peeking through my eyes.

"Mamaaaa" I groaned, Take looked between the two of us, before jumping back at our sudden outburst of loud cackling.

"Excuse my language, but damn mama. You could've warned me. You're getting your groove back, I'm happy for you, I just didn't want to be a witness to it".

Take's expression changed whenever he caught on to the conversation.

"So, that's what all the yelling was about?".

My mama looked at Take, you would think she would be embarrassed, the expression that she wore was everything but. She turned to go into the kitchen, she washed her hands at the sink, pulled out the cutting board and tomatoes and began chopping away.

"You came much earlier than I was expecting you to, I thought you were packing?".

I walked to the refrigerator, my boots clicking against the cold white hexagon shaped tile.

"I've finished packing. I came by to get a few things and I hoped that you cooked, and you are, so we're

I opened the door and grabbed two waters bottles and bowl of purple grapes out of the refrigerator. I handed Take a water and offered some of the grapes, which he declined. I moved to wash the grapes before popping one into my mouth.

"And your flight?". I rolled my eyes because I knew exactly what she was asking.

"My flight leaves at eight, so I'll be long gone soon, and you can return to getting your back blown out". I winked at her before closing the water bottle back up and setting it on a coaster.

At that moment Travis walked in. I have to give credit where credit was due. Mans was, was FIONE. Not regular fine but FIONE. He had to be 6'5. He was tall, nicely built, a nice coconut tree that my mama sure enjoyed climbing and I couldn't blame her. It was nice to see her getting hers.

A message came through in my phone, it was from Take.

Bae😍: You better watch your eyes.

Babygirl💖: 😩 I love you.😆

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