You can do it.

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Chapter Three

You got this. You can do it. Don't let him get to you. You know who are you. You-Got-This.

I cleared my throat.

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure what you're referring to?". I told him

"You don't remember me? Takeoff? Migos-last Saturday?". He asked wearing that same damn smirk on his face.

"I know who you are." I told him as I moved around the counter. "What can I do for you?".

" Last weekend. You were sitting over there listening to music." He pointed to the small nook in the corner of the room "Your mom mentioned that you were listening to Jazz and I'm interested in seeing what song it was".

He remembered that. I was shocked but tried my best not to you it.

"It was John Coltrane, heard of him?" I asked lifting an eyebrow. I leaned forward on the glass counter top waiting for his answer.

He shook his head. "Nah, I'm not sure who that is".

My mouth dropped.

"How do you not know who John Coltrane is? You do like jazz music, don't you?".

"It's cool, but it's not really my thing" he gave a soft chuckle.

"Well by all means. Let me introduce you to what you have been missing. You're going to be hooked by the time you leave here".

I walked over to the record player and switched the album to John Coltrane featuring Johnny Hartman "My one and only love". The sound of a strong trumpet flowed throughout the store. I closed my eyes—this was my happy place. "The very thought of you, makes my heart sing. Like an April breeze on the wings of spring...". I hummed along to track. Although he was wearing shades, I could feel his eyes on me. I ignored my face beginning to heat up.
"You really like this jazz music, don't you?". He asking flipping through the cds that was displayed at the counter.

"Yeah, I do. I love music in general though. Some genres I'm a fan of, some I'm not. It really depends on the style, but jazz will always be a top contender for me, so what did you think of the song".

"It's nice. The way he played the trumpet, my guy was nice with it".

"Okay. Um, so are you thinking about purchasing a Coltrane Album?" I gestured to the record player." I played you a great song, but there are many other great ones to follow". I offered him my dazzling smile. It worked on just about everybody. I see no reason for him being any different.

"Yeah. I'll get it. Let's see what you're talking about". I clapped my hands together and collected the albums that I think would be a great starter. "I hope that you listen to it and really enjoy it".

"How much do I owe you for it?".

"Forty dollars even sir". I held my hand out and watched as he placed three, twenty dollar bills in my hand.

" Um, sir. I said forty not sixty. Here you go". I started handing one bill back to him. He quickly stopped me.

"Keep it for a tip". He motioned the tip jar that was placed opposite me. "Thank you for this, I appreciate it." He held the record up " I hope that it is as good as you say it is."

I shrugged " well you're just going to have to find out aren't you". I said smartly.

" I guess so" he smiled." See you later".

I highly doubt that.

"Bye bye". I waved to him and watching him walk out the door. I did better this time and I was proud of myself for it. I put the money in the register and returned the record back into its cover. Karsyn came back an hour later apologizing, which I assured her that it was perfectly fine.

A Takeoff love storyWhere stories live. Discover now