Bonding over Coltrane?

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Chapter Four

I've heard that waking up the next morning with a hangover was double hell. At least that's the way Karsyn described it to me, when she called me asking if I could open the store for her. I was already anticipating the call, seeing as she was falling all over herself after leaving the club. I had to reassured
Carter ten times that I wasn't under the influence and could return his precious fiancé to him in one piece.

"Kelcie. Are you sure that you're sober? At least enough to get them and yourself home".

"I'm seeing double, but I'll try my best". I joked. He did not find the humor in that and told me as much. "Carter. Carter, I'm sorry for the joke but you have asked me that countless times. I promise you that I will never participate in drinking and driving. I know we don't know each other well, but you're going to have to take my word for it and trust me.

Around forty five minutes later, I pulled up to their house and found him sitting on the porch waiting. I laughed to myself before exiting the car and he met me at the passenger door.

"Sorry I'm behind. I had to drop a Bri off". I opened the car door for him."It's all good". He grabbed Karsyn,"Come on baby". He gently placed her over his shoulder.

"Uh Carter, That may not be a good idea to ha—". Before I could finish with what I was aging she threw up all over his back. "That's why. She was like stupid drunk. Do you need help with that?". I loved Karsyn but I was secretly hoping he said no. I don't do well with throw up.
"No. I think I got it". She groaned over his shoulder. "She'll be alright". He walked up the steps.

"We'll have fun with that. Goodnight". He turned with Karsyn still over his shoulder. "Good night. Get home safe and text me when you make it home. Karsyn will kill me and you, if you don't".
I chuckled and turned on my heel" Will do". I held up a backward peace sign, hopped in my vehicle and drove off.

Six hours later here I was in the store waiting for the day to start. It was Sunday. The sun had been come up yet it seemed as if the town was slowly starting to come alive. I sipped on my coffee, while scanning the roster for the kids that I would be working with this school year. There were a few names that I recognized from the previous semesters small group and there were a lot of new names, which means—I get more students. I love my job as Student Support Leader. I'm grateful to have to opportunity to reach students who aren't always fortunate enough to get what they need from home. I closed my laptop with a smile on my face. I was looking forward to a great school year in the upcoming weeks.

I walked around the counter and turn the store light on I glanced at the clock—the time read Six Fifty AM. The store opened up at Seven, although no one ever came that early. I flipped the closed sign around to say open and scanned the cds.

"Hum, what do I want to listen to this morning?". I skimmed through the albums and my eyes landed on The Gap Band. I pulled the album out and placed it on the record player. Outstanding came blasting through the speaker. I turned it down just a tad bit, so the neighbors wouldn't complain, then I two stepped my way back to the counter.

"Outstanding. Aye, aye. Girl you knock me out. Come on with it, come on with it y'all. Exciting! You make me want to shout". I laughed at my ad libs, but kept right on dancing

"Good morning. Good morning". Mr O' Donald said doing a little two step himself. "You got my boys on right now. What you know about The Gap Band. That's way before your time". I rocked my shoulders front to back, shaking my shoulders and bobbing my head. "I know a little something something Mr. O' Donald. Don't let this sparkling age of twenty five have you fooled. You know who my grandparents are".

"You know it. Jay bird was a cool cat for sure". He went on to share a story about my grandfather that I've heard about dozen times now.

"Ooo. He was something". We laughed about that.

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