Take it Slow

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Kirsnick POV

My eyes slowly open, taking in my surroundings. I push the button on my phone, the Lock Screen lit up, making me aware of the time. I looked at the picture–it was picture of Kelcie. The sun hitting her pretty brown skin and catching the brown irises perfectly, creating a perfect glow. I looked past my phones to her and I began tracing the planes of her face and my heart starts that fluttering feeling again . I never knew that feeling was real, just something people talked about—It's real. Since being with Kelcie I've never had to question it, it's just always been there. It's crazy because, she's the exact opposite of any other girl that I've been with, but she's the one I have the strongest connection to and man, will I thank God everyday for bringing her back in my life, offering this second chance?Yes—For the rest of my life I will.

"What are you thinking about over there?". Kelcie asked me, her eyes closed, if she hadn't looked at me a second later, I would be sure that I was tripping.

"What are you thinking about?". She asked me for the second time.

"You". It was a simple and plain as that.

"What about me?" I kissed the frowned lines away from her forehead. "You keep scrunching that face and you're gonna to get wrinkles".

She sucked her teeth "Nonsense. That's the magic of being black. I don't have to worry about that, besides my dermatologist said I have very tight skin, I don't think I have anything to worry about". She shifted and the cover gave way. Exposing a berry tipped nipple.

"Are you going to leave me hanging orrrr?".

"It wasn't much really. Just that I love you and how you're the first girl-woman, who makes me feel, I don't know how to explain it".

"You're lyricists. Words never fail you".

"Until now".

She took my hand and locked our fingers together. "Can you try?". She asked softly and she gives me the look, the look, I'm very sure that she doesn't even know that she gives, but that shit reels me in every time, makes me feel like a ten year old boy, who kisses his crush on the playground for the first time, makes me want to do any and everything for her and I would.

"This is going to sound like a line, but fuck it. I feel at my best when I'm with you. I can be vulnerable, I can tell you my dreams and you don't make me feel stupid for dreaming "impossible dreams" you challenge me to do it and do it fearlessly. I have never been able to lay my fear down with anyone, you've helped me create a space to lay my fears down. I can be scared with you, and you won't think that I'm weak, because of it. I love you deep and not because of what you can do for me but because of who you are as as a person and I value that".

"I feel the same way, you have been there for me in ways that I couldn't fathom anyone else being or wanting to be there in that way. You've helped me in my recovery from the flu and the biggest trauma that I've have faced thus far. A real life example of through sickness and in health. You encourage me when I want to throw in the towel at work, but your words carry me into the next day with a newfound excitement and love for what I do." She laughs, "it's crazy but also amazing that we've spent so much also so little time together, yet the connection, the understanding, the intimacy and love are years worth".

She hooked her arm around my neck and nuzzled up to me "Thank you for loving me so deeply".

"Thank you for letting me love you, I got you baby forever"

Kelcie POV

"Hi Heaven, how are you?".

Take's little sister Heaven came to visit her big brother. He shrugged his shoulders and mouthing "my bad". I winked at him, assuring him that it was fine.

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