Since you've been gone

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Authors Note: Hello hello! I hope that y'all have been well. Happy Reading.😃💛

Kelcie's POV

With a clearance from Dr. Lancaster and Dr. Mendez, I was finally released from the hospital after a grueling three months. Physical therapy for me has started and I hated every bit of it, but knew that it was part of healing completely.

Darrell, my PT wasn't letting up on me, and to think I thought that he was so cute at first but now I can't even look at him, without a scowl on my face. A hard reminder that I would never forgive him for this pain he was making endure for a second time.

I let out a deep sigh, my attitude hadn't been the best as of late. I've watched my mother bite her tongue too many times on my account. I'm surprised, I didn't get knocked out. She was gracing me a lot these days.

I flipped through the tv channels as I  currently laying on this elevated bed that Grandma Jadie had lying around. I shook my head at that when she first brought it out, like who just had an elevated bed sitting around waiting to be used? I have never seen anything like that before.

A laugh rumbled out of my throat,because if I'm honest, that was so like her to have one.

I checked my phone to see if I had any text messages coming from Take. I really missed him so much. A tinge of pain, appeared in my chest.It was so different not having him here by my side, I wanted him here,but I knew for now, that it was for the best. Somehow, that didn't make it hurt any less.

We tried to keep a normal conversation flowing as best as we could under our new circumstances. Yet, there was hint of awkwardness there, which hasn't been there since the very beginning, and I didn't know how to bounce back from that and it made me question, if it any of it was real. However, Mama wasn't hearing any of it and she wouldn't dare let me diminish what we had.

"What the two of you had was real, it may not have lasted a long time, but it didn't fizzle out either. The two of you had a lot going on personally. Give yourselves credit for knowing when it was time to walk away, before you didn't have anything to return back to".

I pushed the tears back that threatened to spill from my eyes. I couldn't keep crying about this, I had to move on. I dabbed my tears before Jadie entered the room with a cup of coffee and a Oreo in her hand.

"Girl, you're still sitting down, you better do your standing up exercises, that young man, will be here in any minute now,". Grandma Jadie placed my walker in front of me "Get up"

I smacked my lips, "Jadie, he's not even here yet". The doorbell rang, followed by the opening of the door.

"Knock ,knock" Darrell said announcing his presence, "Good morning Mrs. Sadie, good morning Kelcie". I rolled my eyes at him, who told him to come in being all cheerful at ten a.m. "have you been doing your standing exercises?".

"Does it look like I've been doing it my exercises" I mumbled smartly, It didn't go unnoticed by Jadie , she was quick to give me a look and I straightened up. "I mean, I was just getting to it". If I thought my mama was sick of it, Jadie had her beat. Darrell looked between Jadie and me, wearing a smirk.

"I bet you were. Up and at 'em, let's go".

I removed the cover from my lap, and grabbed the walker to support myself as I stood up. I pulled my black athletic shorts down and begin doing my exercises. Jadie sat in the recliner watching, quietly. "Do you want your hat". She asked knowing how self conscious I was about my half peach fuzz covered head. I told her no, it was just Darrell.

"It's not like anyone worth impressing is here Jadie".

"Ouch" Darrell said gripping his chest, "That hurt, Kelcie".

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